And what do I see in the comments? I see someone from my blog family!
I run into my blog family all over the place. It's really amazing sometimes. I suppose we enjoy the same sort of things and are drawn to the same blogs, no matter how far out in the blogisphere they are.
Do you notice this too?
Well, now that you mention it, I see your name in blogs that I visit!!! LOL!! The most recent "pleasant surprise" was on the blog "What Black Men Think" - and I thought I just happened upon it!!!
Happens to me alot. The world is a small place; even the blogosphere.
This happens all the time. I do think it has something to do with like-minded people enjoying similar things. Think about it, there are what 3 million blogs listed on Technorati, but we all run into each other on the same 20 or 30.
You are so right, when you see a name that you are farmilar with you automative think of that person blog. After stumbling upon your blog today I have been back 3 times to finish going over it. I like your blogging style.
Lol, I see your name all over the place too.
Very small!
I know and even when I try to break away from that group of 30 blogs,I still see someone I know.
JJ Brock,
Thanks for coming back. And please visit often!
Thank you
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