I think one of the reasons Why Black Women Are Angry is that they don't walk enough.
So I grabbed my ipod, threw a scarf around my neck and headed out the door. Walking makes me feel like I'm Getting A Life! And what a great day for a walk, a sunny crisp fall day. I had to hurry though because I didn't want to miss my favorite radio program which is broadcast Live From Israel. I heard about the show in Los Angelista's Guide To The Pursuit Of Happiness.
As I began my walk I had to cross the street because one of my neighbors has a huge rottweiler that likes to growl at passers-by. Once across the street I picked up my pace. I decided I would walk toward the Bay. I love the bay breeze!
As I was heading down the street a car went by blowing it's horn, at first I couldn't figure out who it was. The I realized it was Just Lisa and I waved. She was riding with a Light-Skinned-ed Girl whom I didn't recognize.
Then I saw a blimp flying really low. It had a message sign on it that read Hochmah and Musar. I wondered what that meant?
I headed west toward the bay and crossed the avenue where I saw a guy bopping down the street. He looked like the proverbial Happy-Go-Lucky Bachelor. He smiled as he passed and said "You look like a Boring Black Chick". How rude I thought! I wondered why he would say such a thing to me. After all he didn't know a thing about me and my so-called FABULOUS Life.
Whatever, it was much too nice a day to dwell on some strangers words. As far as I was concerned he could go somewhere and Eat Mangoes Nekkid! So there.
Why do people who don't even know you think that they can speak to you like they are some sort of Essential Presence in your life?
I picked up my pace. It was colder out than I thought. I was also enjoying my ipod. I decided to pump up the volume a bit but a woman stopped me saying some thing. I guess when a Brown Girl Speaks you just have to listen. I turned the volume down and she asked me if I was trying to lose weight. I said I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Then she asked me for a dollar. She said "Give A Lot, Lose A Lot." I laughed as I reached in my backpack and gave her a dollar.
She thanked me and said here is some advice; " Don't watch too much TV, Just Put The Remote Down! But that's just Things According To Me!"
I decided if I didn't say goodbye and walk away she would talk to me for the next hour. As I walked away she reached into her pocket and pulled out a flag which she started waving. I'm not sure why she decided to display Homeland Colors but why not!
I continued toward the Bay and could smell the salt in the air. As I passed a bus stop bench I saw a book, it was tittled The TransGriot. I picked it up and noticed another book called Character Corner, what an interesting title I thought. I started to put them in my backpack but figured the rightful owner might come back looking for them.
Only a few blocks to go. I could see the Bay now. It sparkled and shimmered in the fall sun. I picked up my pace again. I passed the Pomegranate Queen selling her beautiful pomegranates.
Then I finally reached the bay! It was so beautiful. I sat on a bench and listened to my music and just enjoyed the beautiful view!
(I know what you're thinking; what a silly little story. Well maybe it was but I hope it made you smile! Happy Friday & Happy Holidays!)
LOL, you know I did not see where you were going with this until I got to the happy go lucky bachelor part! You got me with that one.
That was real slick.
I see you have flavor. lol.
Enjoyed the read. Although I am so hurt that you didn't include me into the story.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.Lol, It took you that long to get it?
Actually I included you until I remembered that you shut down your blog!
So there! (lol)
But I'm glad you liked my little story.
Great story! I'm with you about Don shutting down his blog. What's up with that, anyway?
Brown Love,
I'm glad you enjoyed the story and thanks for stopping by.
MDC: Creative! Great post!
Mes & Brown Love, I am going to open the blog back up on Monday. Raw as ever.
Thanks for digging my site.
Hey MDC,
That was an interesting piece. How did you know I have my own blimp with Hochmah and Musar on the side? (smile) Very creative of you. Glad to have been a part of this piece.
I meant to comment yesterday and tell you that I loved this. Very creative!
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Clever post! Thanks for the witty incorporation of all those blogs.
A Jazz Fan Too,
Thanks and thanks for stopping by.
Clever and funny post! How was your holidays? Take care.
Hi Miriam,
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
My holiday was very uneventful, which is how I like it!
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