-Why is Telemundo more interesting than ABC, NBC and CBS? (And I don't even speak spanish)
-Why did Americans waste their time throwing the Republicans out of congress when the Democrats are just as bad?
-Why does Dr. Cornell West pronounce Oprah as Ofrah?
-Is it weird to mid-westerners that their prime time T.V. shows start at 7 p.m. instead of 8 p.m.?
-Are Joe Camel and Beyoncé a real couple?
-Why do I have a hard time remembering how to spell tomorow and yet I can darn near spell Mississippi in my sleep? (see what I mean)
Can you answer any of these questions?
-Who the heck is Lauren London?
A bad broad.
-Why is Telemundo more interesting than ABC, NBC and CBS? (And I don't even speak spanish)
Most networks are more interesting than the Big 3.
-Why did Americans waste their time throwing the Republicans out of congress when the Democrats are just as bad?
Most Americans are brainwashed, to say the least. I mean they re-elected Bush again.
-Why does Dr. Cornell West pronounce Oprah as Ofrah?
-Are Joe Camel and Beyoncé a real couple?
Modern day Bonnie & Clyde.
-Why do I have a hard time remembering how to spell tomorow and yet I can darn near spell Mississippi in my sleep? (see what I mean)
lol. Funny because I had your name spelled wrong on my blog link.
I can answer question five. I am a Midwesterner who grew up with primetime TV at 7 p.m., but now I live in the Eastern time zome. The 8 p.m. timing drives me batty! A sister has a long commute in the morning. How can I get my beauty sleep if the evening news and The Daily Show come on at 11 p.m. Madness I tell you!
Broad? (lol)
You know I was just thinking about the front end. I guess it would be nice to see things at 10 instead of 11.
When I say "bad broad," trust me, it's meant as a term of endearment.
I wouldn't disrespect your clean blog, Mes. lol.
Amongst other things, London is a model for P Diddy's Sean John clothing brand.
Okay thanks, I keep reading her name on blogs but no one ever says what she does or why see is famous. Well kinda famous. Lol
Lauren London bothers me. She's a mediocre actress at-best.
I'm going to have to find something she's in, I don't even know what she looks like. I just keep reading her name on blogs.
re: Cornel West and Ofrah. I haven't seen it happened, but I know Arabs have a hard time pronouncing P. So for them Palace becomes Falas. Palistinians becomes Falistinians, etc. Maybe Cornel thinks he's Arab? Or maybe he really is Arab?
Lol, I just wonder why he does it.
He's definately not Arab though!
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