-Was anyone else hoping the "big" Christmas shopping season would be a bust?
-I really hate that Toyota Camry commercial featuring the (sleazy) voice of Terrence Howard.
-Why do people think that TV One is so much better than BET?
-Does anyone else see the parallel between the gossip blog Bossip and BET?
-I think blogs that don't allow comments are weird.
-I had Hormel Compleats Turkey & Dressing for my Christmas dinner yesterday. Don't laugh it only took 90 seconds to prepare!
-My favorite day is Thursday. Mainly because I usually wake up thinking it's Friday on Thursdays and then I'm happy to realize I have a day more than I thought.
-I haven't seen CNN, FOX News or MSNBC in 5 months. (I don't miss them, especially MSNBC)
Can you relate to any of this stuff?
"Did anyone see The Great Debaters yesterday?"
Yes, and I LOVED it!! Can't wait to see it again, and again. I hope it gets nominated and wins every award possible! Great acting, greater story line, just a great movie.
"Was anyone else hoping the "big" Christmas shopping season would be a bust?"
In way I kinda am, but I'm probably saying this b/c I'm not in retail, thank God. We really need to stop spending money we don't have at Christmas. A guy I know charged a flat screen HDTV for his mother on his credit card, when she has 4 working (fairly new) TVs in her house! Now I know it's his mother, but going into debt for something she really didn't need. And I'm sure more of that happened all over the country. Just hand them a box of tissues when the credit card bill comes...LOL
"I had Hormel Compleats Turkey & Dressing for my Christmas dinner yesterday. Don't laugh it only took 90 seconds to prepare!"
Man, I had buffalo wings and potato wedges, from my freezer, so I can't laugh at you at all! LOL
My son and I are going to "The Great Debaters" at 1:30.
I dont spend much time watching BET or TV One (no sports on those channels!) but TV One, even with their lack of original programming) doesn't have a bunch of rap videos. It has interviews with people like Denzel, Don Cheadle, and political candidates (even if its Cathy Hughes doing the interview) and seems like it will be able to target more educated Black audience.
I haven't seen the Toyota commercial. I think Terrence Howard is more weird than blogs that don't allow comments (which is weird).
I would miss cable news because I would have no one to scream at. LOL
I only left the house to go to Starbucks. Alas, no babysitter was available to watch my kids on Christmas so I could go to the movies with my other half.
Every year I hope the shopping season's a bust but since my birthday's Saturday, I'll be doing my patriotic duty and spending some cash on some new running shoes. I don't watch TV ONE or BET but I do think I'd miss Chris Matthew's show on MSNBC. I kinda think he wants Obama to win.
CNN and Fox News? I haven't seen either in forever.
I didn't get to see The Great Debaters, but I plan to see it on the weekend.
You know I was definitely hoping the shopping season would fall flat.
Blogs that don't allow comments are odd. To me, that defeats the point of a blog. Isn't it about social networking...sharing ideas and debating with other people?
I don't watch CNN or Faux News, but I would miss MSNBC. I like Keith Olberman. He speaks truth to power and we need more people like that.
Didn't go to the movies - but I will!
Yes - was hoping that the shopping season was going to be a bust - smiled a little, even!
Not laughing at ya on the food - told you they keeping assiging me to "drinks" on the holidays - if I don't learn how to cook soon - gone need the name of the brand! Was it at least tasty?
The last one, I can relate! it must feel really great. The air must be clearer and BW or the entire BC must look better, now that all the clutter has quieted down.lol
-No, haven't seen it yet but I will. Maybe this weekend.
-It's December 26th. I will be making no mantion of the holiday until Dec '08.
-I think he sounds kind of sexy and sleazy. Lol, good combo!
-TVOne is better! They actually show programs that are entertaining and relevant.
-Love Bossip, hate BET but yeah, Bossip does it's fair share of shit talking but what gossip blog doesn't?
-No comments? This interracial marriage blog I read is like that. Kinda weird.
-Hormel what? Girrrrl, if you lived in California, you wouldn've been at my house eating and arguing with the rest of us.
-My favorite day is Friday but Thursday is the official start of the weekend for college students.
-I try not to watch cable news channels. I stick with the Daily Show and Colbert Report.
***Great post***
Saw The Great Debaters - Awesome!
I hate the crazed look on people's faces during Xmas shopping so I avoid the malls.
I have always loved Wednesdays!
Hormel Completes! Wow! I should invited you to dinner at my moms in L.A.
Great Post!!!!
I have been watching sports - Go Lakers!
I saw the great debators... love it... but had drama going to the black theater in NYC... why black people dont know how to act in the theater...
and I love TV one because they have such a good variety of programming that reflects african americans... they have rights to almost every black sitcoms ever... I mean I have caught 227, good times... all the way up to EVE and Martin... they are really the black entertainment network because they show us in all different lights... they show us as the multi-dimesional race that we are... unlike BET where the majoirty of their programming has the black race looking like fools...
A few friends and I are supposed to see The Great Debaters this weekend.
I don't even use a credit card. Its debit card all the way for me.
Buffalo wings sound good to me that might be next year's Christmas dinner! Lol
When I had cable TV One wasn't available in my area, I guess not enough Black people. So I'm glad to hear they do focus on positive people.
I totally agree about Terrence Howard, he makes me itch! Lol
Happy birthday in advance! I think you should treat yourself on birthdays, I do.
From what I've read sales have been down this year. So maybe others are hoping for a bust too.
Blogs that don't allow comments are just some sort of masturbation. To me the best part is the interaction.
I used to watch Keith, his show was interesting but I started to get bored when he began to focus on Bill O'Riley.
Lol, The Hormel was okay. Mainly it was quick and I didn't have pots and pans to wash after.
Cable news is really lacking. I've been watching BBC news on PBS a lot.
Lol@sexy and sleazy.
Did you know that Bossip was White owned? That's why it reminds me of BET.
That's so frustrating. I found a blog that was really interesting then I went to leave a comment and no comments were allowed. I haven't been back since.
I used to watch The Daily Show too. I wonder if it's on YouTube?
Professor Tracey,
Lol, don't they look crazed. I see them on TV and just shake my head. Especially the ones that line up at 3am in front of stores!
I saw a bit of the Laker game. I hate Kobe so naturally I was pulling for "the other team", whoever they were. Lol
Lol@the drama. Wow does that still go on?
Thanks for the info about TV One; I've never seen it so I have been wondering. Now I look forward to seeing it.
- Hey, I love Keith Olberman too. He is one fearless dude. The rest of my news I get from aggregators.
- Is Terrence Howard's voice sleazy? I never noticed.
- I WISH I could get TV One. I moved to a neighborhood that borders a mostly black neighborhood. So I now have 5 (count em) FIVE BET channels on my TV. Thank God for the internet.
- My brother's mother in law brought a ham to dinner, but my family doesn't eat pork. Most people put it on their plate anyway but didn't eat it, and I was so proud of them for not embarrassing her. I ate it. It was salty.
I saw the Great Deabters on a bootleg DVD last week. It was refreshing.
And I'm cracking up @ your hoping the "big" Christmas shopping season would be a bust. lol. I once felt like that before because I got tired of the propoganda involved.
I didn't even know there were 5 BET channels! Oh my.
In my former neighborhood I couldn't get TV One. Now it's available but I don't have cable. Lol
Bootleg! No! Lol
It was really sickening watching report after report about shopping.
You have a great blog. I am with you on blogs that don't allow comments. Why the heck not, you can always delete what you don't won't on there.
JJ Brock,
That's true. And that's why I don't get 'no comment' blogs. I guess some people don't want two way interaction.
Thanks for letting me know you like my blog. I'm always wondering if people like it.
Who owns Bossip?
Anon Anon,
Bossip is owned by a guy named David Hausaib. Bossip is part of the Jossip family of gossip websites.
Just google "Jossip"
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