Fri Jan 18, 10:07 PM ET
Canned beans recalled on botulism risk: FDA
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New Era Canning Co is expanding a recall of canned green beans and garbanzo beans because of potential botulism contamination, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Friday.
The FDA said the beans might be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum, which can cause botulism, a serious and sometimes life-threatening condition.
The affected cans are large institutional-sized containers, weighing approximately six and a half pounds, the FDA said.
"To date, no illnesses have been reported to the FDA; however, consumers should not consume these products, even if they appear to be normal," the agency said in a statement.
New Era distributed the beans nationwide over the last five years.
The cans and contents should be thrown away carefully, as even tiny amounts of the C. botulinum toxin can cause serious illness, the FDA said.
Michigan-based New Era made the recall voluntarily in the interest of public health, the agency said.
(Reporting by Kevin Drawbaugh)
It sounds like you should not eat these products in a restaurant setting. The products that we would use at home, small cans, have not been recalled. So use caution in restaurants.
Canned beans recalled on botulism risk: FDA
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New Era Canning Co is expanding a recall of canned green beans and garbanzo beans because of potential botulism contamination, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Friday.
The FDA said the beans might be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum, which can cause botulism, a serious and sometimes life-threatening condition.
The affected cans are large institutional-sized containers, weighing approximately six and a half pounds, the FDA said.
"To date, no illnesses have been reported to the FDA; however, consumers should not consume these products, even if they appear to be normal," the agency said in a statement.
New Era distributed the beans nationwide over the last five years.
The cans and contents should be thrown away carefully, as even tiny amounts of the C. botulinum toxin can cause serious illness, the FDA said.
Michigan-based New Era made the recall voluntarily in the interest of public health, the agency said.
(Reporting by Kevin Drawbaugh)
It sounds like you should not eat these products in a restaurant setting. The products that we would use at home, small cans, have not been recalled. So use caution in restaurants.
I would like to introduce you to a couple of blogs that I really enjoy
If you haven't checked them out please do!
New Black Woman
That Old Black Church
If you haven't checked them out please do!
Just click on the links
New Black Woman
That Old Black Church
Have you noticed that most corporate media outlets are constantly talking about the power of the Hispanic vote? And that Hispanic political power is usurping that of the African American community.Well what they don't tell you is that even though so-called Hispanics out number African Americans, Hispanics are much less likely to vote than African Americans. Also a very large percentage of Hispanics cannot vote, since they are not legal citizens.
So in actuality African American voters out number Hispanic voters nationally.
The media once again is trying to play African Americans and Hispanics against each other. I hope we don't fall for it.
Do you think Hispanics and African Americans can be political allies?
I think we most definitely can be political allies and should be. I've been following a very interesting discussion on a blog post. Here is the link below.
The writer of the blog has written several novels. I read her book "The Dirty Girls Social Club" which is a fun read, but she also gets into some political issues. The book is in the process of being turned into a movie, but I think the writer's strike might be holding things up.
Mes Deux Cents thanks for the love.
Thanks for the link love, Mes Deux! :)
What do you mean by "hispanics?" Mexicans?
Just based on observation... if you look at Mexican immigrants, one thing I observe is that they are very much to themselves. I don't see much interaction with other races and ethnicities. I guess this has to do with language barriers, being a member of an immigrant community and all the challenges they face, blah blah blah
But whenever I observe Mexican communities, they only interact with each other. I understand why.
It's different for say, Puerto Ricans. They're not immigrants. They speak English and bla blah (too much to go into for this post).
So, to answer the Q, I'd say prolly not.
There seems to be a very large distance between the communities. It's hard to imagine them as political bedfellows.
And not long ago didn't they (Mexico) have a person in blackface or something on their national stamp or something??
The media loves to pit every single immigrant that comes to America against black Americans. It works my nerves and I'm a black immigrant.
First the Koreans and now Spanish people. Although I'd say they've been here since the US took parts of the Southwest.
I'm more familiar with Afro-Latin-Caribbean people. I'm from NYC.
The few Spanish people I've ever met that were weirdly hostile were/are Mexican women. And I didn't know what they were until they identified themselves.
All groups have issues with each other.
To answer your question: I hope not.
I think that there is an opportunity for an alliance but I never hear any one talking about it, I mean candidates.
I think they don't want the two groups to align.
Thanks for the link!
You are very welcome!
You are very welcome!
Baby Please,
I normally say "so-called Hispanics" because the term is confusing to me too. I grew up in New York and Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, etc. and African Americans were natural allies.
With Mexicans the situation seems very different.
Did you know that Mexico had a Black president, well half Black? His name was Vicente Guerrero.
He ended slavery in Mexico.
There was a stamp of a cartoon character that was supposed to be Black called Memin Pinguin.
I'm originally from N.Y. too, so I had many relationships with Dominicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, etc. and always found that we had a lot in common.
Mexican culture is very different and many Mexicans tend to segregate themselves. It's creating an interesting dynamic between the two groups. I read that there has been a lot of tension in L.A. for instance.
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