I wonder what the conversation between Bill and Hillary Clinton was like as they decided to use race baiting as their political strategy. I imagine it went something like this;

Hillary - But Bill, African Americans are our most loyal supporters. If we race bait we may lose their support in the general election.
Bill - Are you kidding me? (Hearty Laugh) If Martin Luther King, Jr. was the Republican Nominee African Americans still wouldn't vote for him. (Belly laugh) African Americans are afraid of Republicans!
Hillary - So you don't think there would be a political price to pay if we use race baiting as my political strategy?
Bill - (on the floor laughing) Hill, sweetheart, African Americans don't have any pride, haven't you seen the Flava of Love on VH1. We can say anything we want about them and they will still love us. Black people are more loyal than puppies. Oh sure a few of them might say how hurt they are but when the chips are down they will not vote for a Republican. In fact we could show up at a campaign rally in Blackface and they'd still vote for us, ahem, I mean you. (Crying from laughing so hard)
Hillary - Okay then Bill, let's do it! Race baiting it is! White House here we come!
I'm not trying to convince anyone to vote for John McCain or Barack Obama. I am just wondering how we, African Americans, will ever have any political power if we allow ourselves to be thrown under the bus time and time again. We have seen many a Democrat show us that they have little respect for our votes. And why would they, we give our votes to them with out expecting anything in return.
If Hillary Clinton is the Nominee, most African Americans will vote for her. Our political fate will be assured. We will be assured that the next time it's politically expedient, Hillary Clinton will throw us under the bus, again.
What do you think?
If Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Nominee should African Americans support someone else?
MDC in my opinion we should vote independent if she is the nominee.
Uh yeah! I won't vote for someone who allows and then protects the very people who stabs us.
Racism, bigotry, and the like know no political affiliation. All Democrats are not our friends and I'm tired of Black people's irrational support for them.
Maggie Williams (I believe thats Clinton's campaign head) is a Black woman. And I wouldn't bring up her race except she actually tries to put blame on the Obama campaign for Ferraro's comments. Wow, come on, no pride.
Ferraro basically called Obama an affirmative action presidential candidate. And then said "they're (whomever they are) attacking me because I'm White."
She may one day be president, but I won't vote for her to slap me in the face. In her desire to not want a Republican we continuously vote for status quo do-nothing Democrats.
If Hillary Clinton is the best person for the job and this country, I believe that blacks should vote for her. In a perfect world, it would work that way. As you stated, most blacks have no affinity for Republicans, so a vote for McCain would be highly unlikely. When casting our vote, we should look at more than the party affiliation that is next to the candidate's name. We should take a look at their stance on issues, their experience, their rhetoric, their behavior, etc...
The more that Hillary and her campaigners open her mouth, the less inclined I am to vote for her. What Geraldine Ferraro said last week about Obama and his race was ridiculous. The fact that Hillary said npthing about it shows that she has no tact. based on that and a host of other reasons, I belive that she will be lacking the overall support of the black community. That would be unless she had barack as her vp. Barring that, I think many would stay home on Election Day rather than vote for her.
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but, if HRC is the Democratic nominee (which I don't believe will happen) she will have to win or lose WITHOUT my vote.
dear mdc, that is a question i keep thinking hard about.
for me as a foreigner the strong affiliation of african americans and the democrats is not easily to understand, since i learned at school that the republicans were the once to abolish slavery and for a long time had the african american vote.
anyway, i am convinced that in the case that 'hillaryous' clinton became the democrat's nominee there is only one way (i don't know if it works in the usa, though): go voting and then make your vote invalid (e.g. by writing comments on it, blacken too many boxes, or whatever)... because that means, that your vote counts, but no-one profits from it...
i don't think, voting for mccain would make it any better, hince he will continue bush's policy and hopefully you don't want that...
...at this moment i am really grateful for the five parties we have in germany... no party has the total majority, so they have to find coalitions and agreements, which is actually best for the people, not for the parties profiliation...
i love your wit, MDC! and as far as i'm concerned, i will not vote for her. i will look very deeply into whoever else is running and make the appropriate decision (if ny), but i will not vote for her. that is just the stance i make based on all of her and bill's shenanigans thus far. if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. and even if she were to win the whole shebang, i would feel very empowered that i did not fall to the pressures of party allegiance or any other foolish reason when she has displayed time and time again that her quest for the white house has nothing to do with helping the american folk, but her own thirst for power and entitlement....and as it stands imo, her shady dealings have outweighed any possbile "good thing" she has to offer at this point
We need to work hard so that Team Clinton is not on the ballot in November. However, if Hillary is on the ballot as the Democratic presidential nominee ... then I won't vote for the President. I'll just vote for congress, local issues and such.
I asked myself this time and time again. Why would I vote for Hillary Clinton, if Barack didnt win the nomination. I think its more because I want to exercise the vote. That, and do my part to prevent McCain from occupying the position. I know, I know...its asinine. Especially since I now HATE Hillary Clinton. That woman will do anything for a f*cking vote.
Great question MDC. I am a registered independent and I intend to stay that way.
Loyalty can go too far and when it is to the detriment of a people, then we need to re-evaluate that loyalty.
I've read people state that they'd hold their noses and vote for HRC if she is the nominee. I disagree.
That attitude rewards her behavior. I will write in Barack Obama or Cynthia McKinney's name if need be come voting time.
We have to stop this misguided loyalty to those who don't give a damn about us.
We need to free our minds and understand that both parties are serving up the same dish to us (contempt); the Dems just have nicer packaging.
After this election, I don't even believe their packaging is all that sweet.
>>What do you think?
I bet their conversations really were like that.
By the way her campaign head M Williams is working for free. That's how loyal (screwed up) some folks are.
She probably told them that black people will take a licking and stick with the Dem. party. Wolfson (Clinton campaign) said we'll vote for Billary.
A few months back, even J Jackson (the elder) said (in Essence) that if Billary wins - black people need to be "pragmatic."
>>If Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Nominee should African Americans support someone else?
I only wonder by what percentage they will turn out for Billary. 'Cause you know they will. Even if/when she steals the nomination, I expect to hear (from the CBC no less!) of the how fearsome and scary the Repubs are. It will be like, "They'll bring back slavery unless you vote for Billary!!!"
@ danielle: I agree with your statement about loyalty being questioned. And thats regardless if I am forced to cast a democratic vote for Hillary.
That's a good option. The Green Party is worth a look.
"All Democrats are not our friends and I'm tired of Black people's irrational support for them."
I agree; we really need to move beyond total loyalty to one party. It's really out of date.
mp1 v.8.0,
I really hope if the situation arose that Barack would not accept an offer to be her VP.
I wish we had five parties! That would be great! We have a third party, the Green Party, and it's still growing but it will be a while before they will have a chance at the Presidency.
I'm with you on this, I will not vote for Hillary under any circumstance!
There is always the Green party.
wow. you did it again. LOL.
Hey MDC,
Yeah, I agree with most of you that said that they wouldn't vote for Billary if she ended up being the nominee.
I had this same convo with my friend last week. I can't vote for someone that would take my vote for granted and I can't throw my vote away again (John Kerry). She has to know that it's not OK to take advantage of people. People need to stand up for what's right and not settle for less than they deserve.
If Hillary STEALS the nominations (let's be honest) then any self-respecting Democrat who votes for her shouldn't be surprised when she loses to McCain. Oh she will definitely lose to him. More thoughts at my site, check http://sethandray.wordpress.com
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