Thank you Wayne!
I am posting the link to the rankings. They are on a pdf. file and if you are not listed and want to be just leave a comment on this post and I will ask Wayne to get your info. Enjoy!
Read the Black Blog Rankings here: March 2008 Rankings
Find out why Gabby Union hates Black blogs here: Gabby Union Interview
I read the listings. I didn't know that that many black blogs exist. I also read that article in Essence, the one featuring Gabrielle. My parents subscribe to it, so I usually read it every month. I think that her statements about the black blogosphere are unfounded. She probably only reads the black gossip blogs and doesn't know other types of black blogs exist. I didn't know she had posed for King magazine. You learn something new everyday.
BTW, MDC, I sent you a personal e-mail. I need a response ASAP. It's about something I'm trying to do on my blog. So please check you e-mail and try to get back to me.
I think even though she didn't specifically say so, given the context, that Ms. Union was referring to a particular type of Black blog and once she explains why, I can understand her sentiment. We cannot dispute her personal experience and if she has constantly been on the receiving end of negative, unfounded gossip and the source has been certain black blogs, then she has the right to feel the way she does. Now if she truly meant this as a generalization and truly meant that all black blogs should be lumped together, then there is where I would have to disagree.
I responded to your e-mail. Sorry it took a while but my e-mail account(s) are out of control!
I agree that she more than likely was referring to gossip blogs. If that's the case I can agree with her, they are pretty negative.
The problem is that the readers of Essence may not distinguish between Black run gossip and non-gossip blogs.
There are a lot of Black bloggers who are trying to do very positive things. I have seen bloggers take-up so many worthy causes that it amazes me. So for those people who read the interview but have not been exposed to the diversity of the Black blogisphere, their first exposure to info about us may be negative.
That's why I'm bothered by her general statement. I keep hoping that she will clarify but so far she hasn't.
Asante sana MDC...
peace, Villager
I don't think she said that she hated all black blogs. If I'm reading the article correctly, she seemed to be referring specifically to gossip blogs, but was then shocked when some of them were run by black women in particular. If I were her, I'd be mad at them too.
I read the interview and can only hope she was referring to gossip blogs as well. It was a good read and interesting to know their ages which I never knew. As a women who had aspirations of doing a real reality show, there's some deeper and well lived insight I should tap more into.
As for the list, WOW Mes you're #108!! And oh was I shocked to see #888. I never thought I'd rank anywhere much less see my Blog listed. AHAHAAAAAAAAA!! I am glad to see you an Judith on the list and pretty high too. Congrats!!
Haven't seen mine in these rankings.
Hi Monica,
Stop by Electronic Village and leave a comment on his latest post letting him know about your blog and that you would like it listed.
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