Well I'm back! I've actually been back for a few weeks. I have been putting off writing this post but I've decided to quit procrastinating and write! First my sister is much better. A combination of diet and a more positive attitude have done wonders for her (along with sticking to her medication regimen).
My sister and I spent a lot of time together but I don't really feel any closer to her. I suppose her being over a decade older than me might be an insurmountable obstacle. I am glad I spent time with her though; I think I understand her a bit better now.
My life has changed since I last wrote. First; I'm dating someone ('bout time). Things are fairly new but going well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Second; I have a new job. I exausted all of my sick time and rather than keep my then employer on hold I resigned. There I was back in the job market. I had to remember how to job hunt, it's been a while but job hunting is sort of like riding a bike. Once I started I remembered how to do it. My new job is very laid back. I still work for a non-profit. This time I'm working more directly with people who need a little help. I'm finding it challenging and fulfilling.
Finally; I have decided to stop blogging. I've given it a lot of thought and although the current political season is chock full of blog topics I have felt a sense of freedom in not blogging. I was so caught-up in this blog I can't even imagine going back to that. I remember spending hours blogging and most of the time it was fun but at a certain point it became more of a responsibility than a joy.
So I am retiring Mes Deux Cents effective immediately. I will be around though. I plan to commence commenting on all of your blogs very soon. I have missed all of my favorite blogs SO MUCH! I have missed all of your varied perspectives on all that's going on in the world. So look for me to stop by very soon!
It has been so wonderful having all of you stop by this blog. I have enjoyed all of the conversations we've had. I've enjoyed looking forward to all of you reading my posts. I so appreciate your concern for me and my sister; it really proved that I have a blog family and that means a lot to me.
Anyway, in the next few days and weeks I look forward to starting my day and ending my day reading all of your amazing blogs. And who knows, maybe I'll get blogging fever again!
I love you all, talk to you soon!
Val aka MDC
La Fin !
So good to hear from you again! I understand totally about hanging up the blog. It does become a life-devouring compulsion, doesn't it? I'm gonna have to deal with the ramifications of that my own self.
I wish you the best in all things. And I will be most grateful whenever you stop by my place.
Take care.
Oh we missed you! So glad you came by to say hello to me and that things are going good for you in life. Lots of changes, for sure, but your real life going well, not the blog life, is the most important thing. Come by and see me again soon!
It really is good to hear from you again. I'm thoroughly surprised that you don't want to come back to blogging, but at the same time, I understand your sentiments. You were a prolific blogger, and it's hard to keep that up for so long while maintaining everything else in your life. Good luck with all, and see you 'round miss.
MDC, Its good to hear from you. As I believe life keeps changing keeps re-arrainging, and we never really know where we will end up so always be happy and have fun at what you do in life.
You will continue to be missed.
Awww man!! But I understand. . . my own "blogging time" has really become limited as well. I am just shooting for at least one post a week!! So I certainly understand, but I have missed you!!
Hey! How are you? You've been missed. I understand about blogging. It can be very time-consuming and obsessive if you're not careful. Since I'm in grad school full time, I don't have the time to dedicate to blogging like I used to. I look forward to talking to you on other people's blogs. Take care and I wish you the best in life.
Im glad everything is alright, and that you have some peace in your life, your blog will be missed.
Peace and love.
aww this is bittersweet.
so happy to see you back, but so sad to see you go... again! lol.
glad your sister is doing well.
yay on the new man AND new job. work it mama. lol.
i can TOTALLY relate to you saying blogging can sometimes begin to feel like a responsibility rather than something you just do to enjoy yourself online.
my fiction blog... whew. i get emails upon emails demanding new chapters all the time, and while i am extremely grateful that people even like to read my fiction, it can get a little overwhelming.
so i can understand.
looking forward to your comments, and i'm sure that one day you'll catch that fever again. *smiles*
hope all is well hun!
You're gonna live a long time as our elders say. Before my power went out had a post ready to go called 'Miss You Mes Deux' which expressed how much I and your blog family missed you.
Glad to hear about the positive changes in your life and glad you're back, even if it's only on the comments field on TransGriot and elsewhere.
MDC thank you for the wonderful and kind words that you would leave on my blog. You were miss but I understand were you are coming from. I am looking forward to reading your comments on other people blogs. May God bless and keep you.
Hi MDC. Sorry to hear you're giving up blogging, but if your heart isn't in it any more, that's a good enough reason. Glad your life's going well and best of luck for everything in the future. Look forward to you visiting me when you have the inclination!
THRILLED to know you are okay. I have an idea.
Since you don't want the responsibility of a blog, why don't you guest blog at various blogs when a good story or thought hits you?
You are always welcome to send your thoughts to Hicktown and I'll happily post the article on your behalf.
I'm positive that other bloggers also would be happy to have you guest blog for them also.
Ah man, I'll miss you sharing your thoughts with us, BUT I do understand! Glad your sister is better, and if you ever feel the need to blog something, you are always welcome to guest post over at my spot!
Hi Mes Deux!
I figured, for the hell of it, I'd visit your blog. I expected to see the airplane but was pleasantly surprised to see your entry.
First, welcome back. I'm very pleased that your sister is doing well. I'm glad you have a new job that you find fulfulling and a new person in your life.
On blogging, you said:
Finally; I have decided to stop blogging... I have felt a sense of freedom in not blogging. I was so caught-up in this blog I can't even imagine going back to that. I remember spending hours blogging and most of the time it was fun but at a certain point it became more of a responsibility than a joy.
Ditto. I share your sentiments.
That has happened to me over at theblackactor.com -- that combined with pursuit of other things.
When I slowed the blog (stopped, I suppose I should say :)) -- actually, over time I slowed from a relentless 5 day per week posting schedule, then down to three, then down to once a week or so. It was consuming every free moment I had. I'll still post sometimes but I've had to stop doing it regularly and I've had to stop visiting other blogs regularly. There's just no time.
I was thinking about theblackactor.com the other day. I do miss it, actually. And I miss desperately the readers. But...
Anyway, enough of my ramble. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog. It was fun and ORIGINAL and thought-provoking! I was very fond of it. You're a thinker. It's a quality in people that I find quite appealing. Your voice will be missed.
But, there is more to life than blogging. I wish you the very best and I'm really glad your sister is doing better.
I'll miss your blog.
Take good care, cyber friend.
MDC - I'm glad to hear the good news about your sister, your boyfriend and your new gig. You are a powerful woman and you need to do what you need to do to lead a stress-free life.
Your commentary and blogging leadership will be missed. I hope that you find time to check out the Electronic Village every once in awhile...
And if you ever want to be a guest-blogger on my blog ... just say the word!
peace, Villager
Before you skip and prance out of every one in the blogosphere's lives, you have been awarded the Honest Blogger award.
No return post required.
Mes Deux,
It's good to finally hear from you and even better to hear things have gotten better for your sister. I wondered. I figured that in due time, you will grace your wonderful blog again.
So, I'm happy for you on your fam, your newfound love (good luck), as well as the fact @ This time I'm working more directly with people who need a little help. I'm finding it challenging and fulfilling.
For me, this one line sums your character up. As far as blogging, I think you and I both know the fever will return one day.
Walk well, Don.
Awww man! Nice to hear from you. You've been missed. Happy to see that all is going well for you. Take care :-)
MDC we will miss you! I am glad you (and your sister) are ok. Take care of yourself and please don't be a stranger.
much love,
You will be missed, keep up the site though, you never know the blog bug might bite you again.
Mes Deux Cents, I am glad to hear that your sister is well. I almost fainted when I read your comment on my blog. It was an unexpected and pleasant surprise.
I am glad you found love and a new job.
I know another blogger who has found love and does not have the time to blog any longer. LOL.
I too am contemplating leaving the blogging world. Blogging helps me to relieve stress. It is my "me time". I always had a love for meeting and talking to people and blogging helps me do that. I don’t take it too serious like some.
But I must admit that blogging is interfering with my family and work responsibilities. I will decide within the next month whether or not I will continue blogging.
I'm glad that things are well with your sister. Glad things have worked out favorable for your life! I am sad that you are not blogging anymore but I know you must do what you must!
Blessings to you!
See you around...
I always used to wonder where you got the time or even the energy to do 2, 3, or 4 blog entries a day. Now I see that you really didn't have the time, you were just taking time away from the life you should have been living.
I'm glad that now you seem to have more control of your life and that you've found a new sense of direction that I hope will make you even happier. Good luck.
Welcome back, MDC! I'm so happy to hear from you, but sad to know that you won't be blogging. I've missed your voice! I understand, though. It sounds like your life is blossoming and that is WONDERFUL!
You were my first ever blog sister, so I hope you won't disappear completely. I look forward to bumping into you around the blogosphere from time to time.
Truly an end of a era. Thanks for all of your interesting posts, and thought provoking ideas. Also, thanks for inspiring A Week of Positive Blogging. I hope you the best in your life, your relationship, and everything. Happy trails.
I am so relieved. I was hesitant to ask about your sister, but I am so glad to hear she's doing better. Thank you, God!!!!
I understand about blogging. I've been away for a much shorter time, but it is freeing. Enjoy life and hope to see you around in blogosphere!
hugs & happiness
dear mdc,
as much as i was delighted to read from you again, i can truly understand your decision.
i was forced to take a break myself during the past months and my life changed a lot, too (it actually somehow turned about 180°, *laughs*).
i actually considered to give up my blog, as well. but today, i reeeally felt like sharing... so i will keep it up after all and look forward to a visit from you...
all the best with life and love
Mes Deux! I came through thinking maybe you had a change of heart. The mood is so sad in here. LOL.
Continue to Enjoy yourself, Don.
First, I'm happy your sister is doing well. Second, The daddy misses you and all of those wonderful pictures you put on your posts. I hope you get back to blogging but, meanwhile, come and see me at daddyBstrong.blogspot.com
By the way, I just posted yesterday on strong black mothers and strong black families. I think you might like it. Stay strong and good luck with the new job.
Val?? Who's VAL?? (laughs) We never knew what your real names was nor did we need that much info. What was informing was how you touched lives with your "finds", thoughts and all else. I thank you for entering my life via this enormously huge space well "the net". It has it's trapping but it also has good catches too.
Thanks for letting me be "caught" in the essence of you Mes. Take GREAT CARE of you and all else will follow. Look forward to seeing you when I see you!!
Glad your sis is doing better and that you've got some positive things flowing in your life as well.
if you get the urge to write, you'll always have an open invitation to do so on TransGriot ;)
I'm so glad that your sister is doing a lot better. I just wanted to say that Ive always enjoyed coming here and will miss coming back. Thanks for your insightful posts and commentary on my blog, including the one today. I wish you all the best in life and love. Take care....
thanx for letting me know you're doing well and your sister. you have been greatly missed. i'll just second everyone's notion on the blogging issue. please keep in touch. and we are your blogging fam forever!
So glad your back and glad to hear things are going well... I dropped back about once a month and still saw no posts... I was beginning to get worried... but glad your back and well!
welcome back folk - missed u jones
I discovered your blog like a week before you went ghost and Ive been checking back periodically. Welcome back!
So good to hear from you!! I'm glad to hear that your sister is better.
I can totally relate to how you're feeling.
Good luck to you and I wish you the best!! :-)
Wow! Great news re: sister, boyfriend, new job... bad news for us blog readers.
I come by now and then to see if you returned. I see that I missed the moment you breezed through to drop the good news and retire. :-)
I wish you the very best. Like others, I hope you leave the blog available in case you decide to come back (or we decide to read some old posts).
Take care!
= = = = = =
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