I can't yet comprehend the astounding historic shift that has just occurred. I feel that I must be dreaming. A Black man is the President-Elect of The United States Of America. This is the first time in my life that I have a true admiration for my country. I can now feel the pride that I have heard so many people say they feel for this country, and it's a pretty nice feeling.
Amen & Amen!
What a PHENOMENAL night we just witnessed! Now the real work begins as we all join our President elect in making America a new & improved America for our next generations!!
Hi Regina,
And it's going to be a lot of work!
Lol, It took a black man getting into the White House to get you out of retirement eh?
Happy Obama Day!!!
Lol, yep!
My eyes are still welling up with tears almost 24 hours later! When I read on the screen that President Obama had won, the tears started rolling, and I was speechless (those that know me, know that's odd for me LOL). I am so thankful to have witnessed this great moment, and glad that our elders from the Civil Rights Movement got to witness it in their lifetimes.
What dampens my mood is when some of my White friends (IF I can still call them friends) say "they're terrified for the future of this country." WTH?! President Obama couldn't do any worse than George Bush has! I wonder if they just think that a Black person can't run the country successfully. See, I TRY to leave race out of it, but look what they make me say!
Anyway, Congratulations President Obama!
Hi Randi,
There are going to be many, many times during the Obama Presidency that White people and others use race to explain some result or the other. Even in the face of electing a Black man to the White House this is still America.
So yes this is an important step for this country but it is really just a beginning. So don't expect too much.
It's Wednesday, and I got my good cry today. History was made. I was always happy with my lot in life, but somehow, I feel validated today.
= = = = = =
Give to classroom projects in high-poverty schools via DonorsChoose 2008: Friends of Fackin Truth Blog (Participating via the AfroSpear with Black Bloggers for Education).
Well Barack brought you OUT of retirement!
Well I have to say it was much more an emotional experience than I expected, especially after seeing when Biden and his family came on stage and other people from Baracks family all hugging and celebrating, amazing, that is the America that we SHOULD have.
I think millions of people, maybe even hundreds of millions of people here and around the world feel like that.
If a Black man being elected President doesn't bring me out of retirement somethings wrong. Lol
Let's hope America continues to mature and that this isn't a one time thing.
Although elated that this has happened for some many who said/thought it wouldn't... I still can't bring myself to call him a Black/African American President. His upbringing was not of that and I still prefer to just say American President for fear of leaving off his other half of the genetic make-up. How do I/we handle this.
BTW - I love the photo of him.
Lady Di,
I agree that he is not African American, since he is not a descendant of slaves. I, however do believe that he is Black. The "Black" experience encompasses all sorts of different up brings.
You are right Mes but how would you feel if were your bi-racial child/grandchild and ALL the work you did - not the African American/Black parts - was tossed to the wind?? I am in-part white and I constantly have to address this as well. I think this is where we need to stop the great racial divide as I don't know if Obama has addressed/presented himself as a "Black/African American president" as yet. Maybe you are more knowledgeable on his wordings than myself and can correct me.
No matter to see so many people this elated at a time of severe financial crisis is just beyond words. I wish all those who died or this could have lived to have witnessed it. Even the likes of Correta, Rosa, Barbara Jordan, Shirley Chislohm and many, many others. I am sure Dorothy Height is just beyond herself.
Lady Di,
This is where the whole race thing gets complicated. Humans made up race; there is only one race of people. So when we are forced to analyze race we generally run into situations where it just doesn't make sense.
Hopefully Obama's Presidency will open a real dialogue about humanity and set us on a path to acknowledge that we are all of one race and many cultures.
It has been an amazing time! Good to see you back to blogging MDC! ; )
Good words Mes, good words. Speaking of Mr Obama... did you see the Illustrations in my blog?? Plus there's something else I need you to see - Needle Art.
Bonjour Mes Deux!
Je vous souhaite les vacances paisibles et heureuses aussi.
Hi Anali,
Well I'm not blogging fulltime but I'll write a post or two when I'm inspired. (lol)
Thanks for stopping by.
Lady Di,
Okay, I'll stop by your blog.
Vous remercier et avoir un grand Nouvel An ! :)
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