Thursday, January 31, 2008

Good morning ma'am....who me?

When I moved from N.Y to the south I went through a definite culture shock. There were grocery stores that had names like Piggly Wiggly and Winn Dixie. People boiled raw Peanuts in saltwater and ate them. The night clubs had concrete floors. The radio stations didn't play dance music, just R&B, funk and hip hop.

I went to a major clothing retailer called Belks and was told when I asked to see an Etienne Aigner wallet that it was pronounced "Ag-ner". I tried to explain that it was indeed pronounced "On-Yay" to no avail.

But the one thing that really threw me for a loop was people saying hello.

Coming from New York City I was accustomed to thinking that when some person said hello there was going to be trouble. You just didn't say casual hellos in New York. So imagine my surprise and confusion when total strangers began to say hello to me and just kept walking.

Even men I passed while in the mall or walking down the street said hello and then just kept walking. In New York if a guy on the street said hello he was probably going to start following you.

After a while I got used to the southern friendliness. I even began to respond when people spoke to me. I'd say "Good Morning" or "Good Afternoon".

You can say what you want about the south but people there know a thing or two about common courtesy. And I won't even get into the use of the word ma'am. I remember people saying ma'am to me and thinking I was too young to be addressed by ma'am. Then I realized it was just a southern thing.

So now I once again live in a big city outside the south. When I first moved here I had to stop myself from saying hello to people. It would slip out during my first few weeks and months here. And when it did I would get the same look I had once given to people in my first months in the south.

I must say of all the things that I miss about the south; people saying hello is at the top of my list.

Do strangers say hello to each other where you live?


There is a new website from The Washinton Post Co. that is geared toward African Americans. It's a nice non-ghetto site with opinion, news and features. I've been reading it for the last couple of days and so far so good. The site is called The Root, check it out here. Thanks to Undercover Black Man for the new site alert.

I came across a really nice blog that features beauty and fashion and even some entertainment news. It's called Brown Girl Gumbo and I really like the vibe. Check it out here.

Siditty at the blog Angry & Black Since 1976 asks the question; Why are Blacks hated all over the world? And she gets some very interesting answers.

Here is an excerpt form her post

"Like it was asked in the comments of the other post. What is so repulsive about being black? What is disgusting about it? What is wrong with being black? "

Read the rest of the post here: Why Are Blacks Hated All Over The World?


I smell the 80's

Whitney Houston - How Will I Know

Howard Johnson - So Fine

Robbie Nevil - C'Est La Vie

i Level - Give Me

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Kuala Lumpur at Night

The Monica Syndrome

Christine Beatty

Why is it that when powerful men have illicit relationships the women always suffer the most? Let's consider the case of Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

Bill Clinton seems to be doing just fine, after all he's out running for President again. What I mean to say is, he's out campaigning for his wife, who is running for the Presidency. But Monica Lewinsky? Last I heard she was hawking Handbags. Which is not a bad thing until you consider that in December 2006, Lewinsky graduated with a master's degree in Social Psychology from the London School of Economics.

According to reports she has complained that having at least one Clinton as an enemy has made it extremely hard to find a job commensurate with her education.

Now in Detroit another woman who made the mistake of having an illicit affair with a powerful man appears to have been thrown under the proverbial bus.

Christine Beatty who it seems had an affair with Kwame Kilpatrick, the Mayor of Detroit, resigned yesterday after the relationship became public. Ms Beatty was the Mayor's Chief of Staff.

Mayor Kilpatrick as of this moment has not indicated any inclination to resign. This even though in the last couple of days it was reported by several Detroit news outlets that Mayor Kilpatrick spent last weekend at a luxury resort with a women, who was not his wife or Christine Beatty. The woman's name is reported to be Carmen Slowsky.

By the way, Kwame Kilpatrick's wife appears to be doing a Hillary Clinton and standing by her man.

The reaction I have seen in the media and on blogs is the usual blame the woman thing. And why should so much blame be shouldered by Christine Beatty? After all she was not elected by the people of Detroit to represent them, Mr Kilpatrick was. But that hasn't stopped many people from making her the villain.

So what is going to happen to Ms Beatty? Well if Monica Lewinsky is an example she will spend the rest of her life as a footnote in a powerful mans life. And more than likely the object of scorn.

And Mr Kilpatrick; will he have the opportunity to rebuild his career like Bill Clinton? Probably.

I'm pretty sure that when Monica Lewinsky is 80 years old she will still be best known for her sexual association with Bill Clinton.

I hope the same fate does not befall Ms Beatty.

Do you agree with me or do you think women like Ms Beatty get what they deserve?

A message for Bubba

Well Bill Clinton is at it again, he's playing the race card. This time after Senator Barack Obama's win in the South Carolina Primary he spouted the following;

"Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in '84 and '88. Jackson ran a good campaign. And Obama ran a good campaign here." - Bill Clinton

It's so incredibly obvious the Bill Clinton is so desperate to be President, oh pardon me, First Gentleman that he is employing the good 'ol Southern Strategy.

So I thought I would dedicate a song to Bill Clinton and oh yeah Hillary too. Even though Hillary seems less and less like the candidate every day.

So Bill this is for you...Pay close attention to the lyrics.

Sly & The Family Stone - Everyday People

And in case Bill still doesn't get it, here is a great post from Liz of Los Angelista's Guide To The Pursuit Of Happiness. I think she sums up what most people are thinking right now.

Here is an excerpt;

I don't know why the kids seemed so confused by my response. I mean, my seven year-old had the nerve to say, "Mom, why are you bringing up Jesse Jackson when I'm asking you about snow-capped mountains? It seems sort of like you're trying to inject race into a discussion about snow at higher elevations."

Read the rest here: Rain and Racism

Do you think that Bill Clinton is behaving more like a candidate than a spouse?
Will Bill be c0-President if Hillary wins the White House?

Chris Isaac - Wicked Game

Five Star - Let Me Be the One

Snap! - The Power

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Brussels at Nightfall

On being a cynic...

"BEING CYNICAL IS TOO HARSH ON THE HEART!! It makes life unbearable and robs you of hope and joy. So expect and hope for the best. What do you have to loose by doing so?" - Attorneymom

Those are the words of Attorney Mom on her blog Character Corner. Those words have been with me all afternoon.

And her words are with me as I think about the race for the Presidency tonight.

I am a cynical person. And I have been viewing the candidates through my cynical eyes as they make their way through the Primary season.

I have let my cynicism about America make me believe that a Black man cannot win the most Powerful office on the planet.

My cynicism leads me to think that America is far too racist to consider the content of Barack Obama's character rather than his skin color.

I have as I'm sure you have, if you are a person of color, experienced racism throughout my life. There have been no huge incidents but what I term micro-racism. Those are small incidents that we confront as we go through our daily lives. I am aware that more heinous examples of racism occur all the time.

I have to ask myself though; have I let the media in all of it's exploitative glory color my vision of America? Have I miss judged the American people?

I'm not quite ready to answer either of those questions in the affirmative. But I do think that America might be further along than I thought.

I'm not sure that Barack Obama can win the Presidency. Partly because I'm not sure if his message will resonate with the majority of Americans. But I wonder that about all of the candidates.

What I don't wonder about the rest of the candidates is can they overcome their race. I still wonder that about Mr Obama.

It's a long road to the Democratic Nomination, an even longer road to the White House and that road, I suspect,will be longer for Barack Obama than for any of the other candidates.

But Attorney Mom has convinced me, with her words, to put my cynicism aside. I will make an effort not to judge America through cynical eyes. I will assume that those who vote for Senator Obama are voting for him because they believe he has the best vision for America.

I will also assume that those who choose not to vote for the Senator choose not to because they feel he is not the most qualified for the job.

And I will try to not assume that all of the candidates are a bunch of crazy megalomaniacs. (That's going to be a hard one)

Super Tuesday is next week and that will be a great opportunity for me to put my new attitude in to practice.

What is the opposite of cynicism; would it be Naïveté? I'm not sure but I will watch and participate in the political process with an open mind.

I may relapse, but I'm going to try!

(Now if only Bill Clinton will just keep his mouth shut.)

Are you a cynic too?

Read Attorney Mom's entire post here: Expect The Best


factive - (Adjective) (linguistics, of a verb) Licensing only those content clauses that represent claims assumed to be true.

Explanation - You can't say he "discovered" that the moon is made of green cheese, because "discover" is a factive verb and the moon isn't made of green cheese.


palindrome \PAL-in-drohm\, noun: A word, phrase, sentence, or verse that reads the same backward or forward.

Ex. (Sentence) - Madam, I'm Adam.

Words that are palindromes;


Can you think of any palindromes?


Were you familiar with these two words?

Christopher Williams - I'm Dreamin'

Ready For The World - Love You Down

Cynda Williams - Harlem Blues

Twofer Tuesday: Love Won't Let Me Wait - The Original or The Cover

The Cover: Luther Vandross - Love Won't Let Me Wait

The Original: Major Harris - Love Won't Let Me Wait

Which do you prefer?

Monday, January 28, 2008


Off Balance...

I have been feeling especially off balance lately. But I had not been able to figure out what was the cause of my state of befuddlement. That is until yesterday.

Its amazing how one image can give you so much insight. While watching television yesterday I saw a mother and daughter. It struck me at that moment that much of my general state of confusion has to do with or at least may have to do with losing my mother.

I lost my mother a pretty long time ago. She was still pretty young and it was unexpected.

During that time, like many young women, I was not really concerned about my relationship with my mother. All I new was if I needed her she would be there for me.

My mother and I had not yet achieved any sort of real closeness. I think in time that would have changed as sometimes happens as daughters get older. No such luck.

So I spent a little time yesterday trying to understand how the loss of my mother has affected me.

I think one major effect has been a loss of a general feeling of safety. I don't have a safety net. If I fall down there is no one to pick me up. I've already experienced this a few years ago. I had a financial crisis and I remember thinking that I couldn't believe that I can't call my mother.

And you know something else. Since I lost my mother I don't really feel like I have a home. I just don't feel like I have any roots anywhere. There is no physical space that represents to me where family should be.

I suppose in a general sense I am still connected to New York as home but even that isn't the same.

I know that losing my mother has affected me in a lot of ways. Many of those ways I'm sure I'm not even aware of yet. I suppose over time more will be revealed.

Over the last several years I have tried to get that unconditional love that I was missing from relationships. But that puts way too much pressure on a relationship.

I guess I'm trying to figure out how to fill the void. I feel like a sailboat with no sail.

I need to regain my balance.

I feel like I'm rambling.

Any advice?

Photo Attribution: Nijla

The American Monarchy (Past, Present and Future)

King George I

King William

King George II

(Future Queen) Hillary

(Future King) Jeb

(Future King) George III

(Future Queen) Chelsea

Do you think two families ruling America is okay?

Edwyn Collins - A Girl Like You

This is such a funky song. I love the retro sound.

The System - You Are In My System

Remember these guys?

Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam - Lost in Emotion

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Beautiful Black Sea

Click on photo for large view

Taken for granted...


Senator Barack Obama won the South Carolina Primary yesterday. He garnered a very large percentage of the Black vote. I think the Clintons, Bill and Hillary planned for this to happen. Here is why and how.

After the New Hampshire Primary, in which Hillary won, the Clintons began to make statements that were interpreted or misinterpreted as being racially offensive. Soon after that Hillary Clinton aligned herself with Black Entertainment Television founder Bob Johnson. That alignment angered many people in the Black community.

So why would an astute politician like Bill Clinton not see that all of these events were likely to anger and alienate many Black voters? Well maybe he did see it. Maybe it was a planned strategy in which race would become an issue.

Here is my contention; Bill Clinton knows that no matter what at least 90% of Black voters in a national election will vote for the Democratic Nominee, no matter what. So if that is the case then there would really be almost no risk in alienating Black voters.

Why alienate Black voters?

Many people speculate that if certain White voters begin to think of Barack Obama as the "Black" candidate then they will not vote for him. If that is the case, obviously they are likely to vote for Hillary.

So Barack Obama's win in South Carolina may have anointed him in the minds of many as the "Black" candidate. If this perception holds true then Hillary Clinton is now the undisputed front runner as the campaign now heads toward Super Tuesday.

Black voters will not be the deciders on Super Tuesday as they were in South Carolina. In fact Black voters won't again be an important voting block until the national election.

If Hillary is the Nominee, most Black voters will vote for her. All of the race baiting that the Clintons had engaged in would be forgotten. After all who else would Black voters vote for; the Republican nominee?

Nope that's not going to happen.

So the overwhelming support of the Democratic party by African Americans may have cost Barack Obama any serious chance of becoming the Democratic nominee.

In my opinion African American voters have usurped their own political power by being so loyal to the Democratic party. And the Clintons know that, so now what?

So now African Americans are just along for the ride until the National election.

What do you think?
Have African Americans blown it by being so loyal to the Democrats?

The Jones Girls - You Gonna Make Me Love Somebody Else

Aretha Franklin - Bridge Over Troubled Water

Enigma - Sadness

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Let's go back?

If you had the chance to go back in time would you? I wonder if I had a chance to go back in time what year would I choose, 1920? The Harlem Renaissance? Hang out with Zora Neal Hurston?

Or would I could I be so brave and go back further. How about 1864? The year before Slavery ended. Meet and talk to our ancestors who were enslaved. Find out for myself what it was like?

I'm not sure if I'm that brave.

What about 1960? Meet Malcolm and Martin? Or maybe 1970 and join the Panthers, hang out with Elaine Brown? A time of free love and before killer STD's.

Dare we consider going even further back in time, to Egypt or ancient Timbuktu?

Another thought; how about going back and meeting your parents before you were born, when they were kids even?

Choices, Choices...

What about you, if you could go back in time, and then return; what year would you choose and why?

¡Música el sábado!

It's music Saturday! I have spent the week finding a few choice cuts. I hope you enjoy them and I hope they brighten your Saturday! As always please let me know if you like them or even if you don't!


Alexander O'Neal & Cherelle - Saturday Love

Shades of Love - Keep in Touch (Body To Body)

This is a rare dance classic.

The Stylistics - People Make The World Go Round

Lisa Fischer - How Can I Ease The Pain

Joe Ski Love - Pee Wee Dance

Can you do the Pee Wee Herman?

Basia - New Day for You

The Deele - Two Occasions

Friday, January 25, 2008

A Beautiful Picture...Shirley Bassey

Blackface 2008?

Angelina Jolie in "Blackface" as Mariane Pearl

The real Mariane Pearl

Angelina Jolie without "Blackface"

The NAACP has announced it's nominees for the 2008 Image Awards. Among a few controversial nominations this year is the nomination of Angelina Jolie. Ms Jolie has been nominated for playing the part of Mariane Pearl. Ms Pearl is the wife of the late Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

Mr Pearl was killed in Pakistan in 2002 by extremists. The film A Mighty Heart (2007) in which Ms Jolie stars is the story of Mr Pearl's kidnapping and murder.

So the question is; why would the NAACP honor Ms Jolie with a nomination for portraying a bi-racial woman, Ms Pearl? Mariane Pearl is of Afro-Cuban and Dutch ancestry and was born in France.

As you can see from the photos above Ms Jolie had to use make-up to 'darken' herself for the portrayal.

Sophie Okonedo

Many are upset that a woman of African decent was not chosen for the role. I for one think Hotel Rwanda star and Academy Award nominee Sophie Okonedo would have been perfect for the role. First because she is a great actor but also she happens to be bi-racial.

What do you think?

Is the NAACP's nomination of Ms Jolie's "Blackface" performance an insult to African Americans and Black people?

Is this further evidence that the NAACP is totally lost and irrelevant?

Also does this show a lack of respect for Black actresses by the NAACP?

Just a coincidence?

So my morning routine generally includes channel surfing between Good Morning America on ABC and The Early Show on CBS. When you don't have cable these are your choices.

Anyway yesterday both shows did a segment on the new Apple MacBook Pro that is about 1 inch thick. My question is; was that a coincidence or did Apple pay for them to do these pieces? And if Apple did pay should they have disclosed that?

What do you think? Did Apple pay or was it just a crazy coincidence?

P.S. I want a MacBook pro!

Rebbie Jackson - Centipede

The Roots - The Seed 2.0

Faith Evans - You Used To Love Me

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bay Sunrise...

Just a simple lunch with a co-worker and...

So yesterday I was sitting in my office at work minding my own beeswax when one of my co-workers invited me to lunch. That is unusual, unless there is a birthday or something since my co-workers know that I bring my lunch to work. So I told her thanks but no thanks.

My co-worker uncharacteristically kept trying to convince me to go. Okay my curiosity finally made me say yes. The co-worker that was inviting me wouldn't say what was up. I figured that something was going on with a co-worker, an engagement or maybe someone was pregnant.

So off we go. On the way she explained that a friend of hers was going to be joining us. Okay, fine no problem. But she was still be very secretive and all kinds of smiley faced.

Anyway we arrived at the restaurant. It was a really nice French Vietnamese restaurant, I'd been there before and I'd really liked the food. So if nothing else I was going to be able to treat myself to a nice lunch. I would have been eating a soy nut butter and apple butter sandwich on wheat bread, so it was a nice change of pace.

As we walked in the door someone approached us and then hugged my co-worker, this was her friend and we were introduced. I at first didn't really see what her friend looked like because I'm sort of shy and tend not to gaze at people, I'm more likely to avert my eyes. But after we were seated and I was able to take a few glances on the sly I saw that her friend was attractive.

We ordered. I ordered Prawns with mixed vegetables. After I ordered I wondered if eating shrimp was okay since I am now an official vegetarian. I'm pretty sure it isn't but I convinced myself that it was.

My co-worker's friend and I had a nice conversation. I found out that we both were transplants to California. Also that they worked in media, which I used too. And after a bit more of that nervous sort of chit chat we settled into a nice general conversation; politics, weather, high rents in the area, etc.

Okay I'm getting to the good part.

After we had pretty much finished lunch my co-worker said that she needed to go by the post office and suggested that her friend walk me back to work. In case you haven't figured it out, my co-worker was trying to fix me up. Normally I would have been mad, but I wasn't, not at all.

I think I may have sort of shouted a bit when I told her "okay see ya back at work". I was a little excited and nervous. After all it's been a while since I have met someone that I have been interested in, even if I had only known this person for about an hour.

Hey you have to start somewhere right?

As we prepared to leave we all took some money out to cover our bill, my new friend offered to pay for mine. I thought it was a nice gesture but declined. We had just met.

We left and began the walk back to my office. My office is only about five blocks from the restaurant. As we walked we talked about presidential candidates. I talked about my first choice Dennis Kucinich and how I knew he didn't have a choice. And then get this, my new friend said they were going to vote for Romney in the California primary. I'm not kidding!

Of course that led to a discussion of why they supported Romney. I was told that it was a matter of the lesser of several evils. Obama didn't have enough experience, Hillary was too desperate to be President, McCain was too old and Giuliani and Huckabee were both crazy, as far as they were concerned.

Okay well at least some thought went into it.

Soon we were nearing my office and I began to say the usual about how I enjoyed meeting and having lunch. I really meant it though and left a gap in the conversation hoping they would say something about seeing each other again.

Finally as we stopped to wait for a light to change to cross the street my companion turned to me and said, "hey how about I go and get a hotel room and when you get off you can come by and we can spend some more time together".


I couldn't believe my ears. I felt like I got punched in the stomach. A hotel room? What or who did this person think I was? We have lunch, have a little conversation and I get invited for an after work roll in the hay?

I'm not going to lie I felt like I was going to cry. I felt dirty and I felt disappointed. I know I had just met this person but was my judgement that off? I mean I had no indication that I was going to be propositioned while standing on a street corner less than 2 hours after meeting.

Anyway I didn't even answer, I just walked off. They called out to me, even had the audacity to say 'what's wrong?'. Well if they didn't know there was no point in me telling them.

After I got back to work I was depressed all afternoon. I felt sick, I really did. I wondered what I could have possibly done to get treated like I was a "jump-off". Sorry to use that term but that's how I was made to feel.

I was too embarrassed to even tell my co-worker what happened. I know that she wouldn't have tried to set me up if she had known this person was a loser freak.

I guess I got my hopes up. As I said it's been a while since I've met someone that I really clicked with. Darn I clicked with a pervert!

Was desperate and lonely written on my forehead?!

Anyway I needed to get that out. As I said I didn't feel comfortable telling my co-worker what happened. In fact I kind of avoided her all yesterday afternoon. So I'm sure when I see her she's going to want to 'hear all the details'.

Thanks for listening.

What should I do, tell my co-worker what happened or just pretend nothing did?

Has anyone ever just turned into a crazy freak in a manner of minutes with you?


Update, 10:51 PM: First I want to thank everyone who commented. I read your comments throughout the day and they really helped me put this situation in perspective.

As many of you said, it wasn't my fault. I certainly did not lead anyone on. Anyway I talked to my co-worker as everyone suggested. The conversation went really well. She was shocked to hear what happened. My friend at work is a really sweet person, I never thought she would be party to anything like this. She apologized but I let her know I didn't hold her accountable.

She explained that she didn't know the person in question that well but thought they were "good people". I 'm glad she knows they aren't and I'm glad I talked to her.

It's going to be a while before I want to go on any surprise blind dates that's for sure!

Anyway, thanks again and I left comments for everyone in the comments section!

Hugs to you all!

Gratuitous Lenny Kravitz post #2

Zoe is 19 years old.

Zoe Kravitz Photo Attribution: MrsGrapevine

Junior - Mama Used To Say

Dionne Farris - Hopeless

If you don't recognize the title of this song give it a listen you have probably heard it. I had no idea until recently that this song was by Dionne Farris. I'm sure you remember her from Arrested Development.

This is from the Love Jones soundtrack.

Also note Randy Jackson (American Idol) in the video and for some reason a few of the actors from a film that I can't remember the name of, it was about a screen writer? It came out in the mid 90's? Please tell me if you know the film I'm talking about.

Gregory Abbott - Shake You Down

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Beautiful Picture...Dorothy Dandridge

What's the big deal about...inter-racial relationships?

I have for a while now been reading blog posts that either promote inter-racial relationships or are opposed to them.

This is my feeling about inter-racial relationships. It does not matter to me one bit if someone chooses to be in a inter-racial relationship. My feeling is find love where ever you can. I am a believer in love. Also in the abstract I really don't believe in, as they say, the construct of race. But I know that in the real world race exists.

Also I should note that I have a history with inter-racial relationships. All of my siblings who are married or were married, have been married to White people. I haven't really ever even contemplated why that is. I'm sure there are reasons. What has been most important to me is that my siblings found love. I have never even had any discussions with my sisters or brother about it.

I do however find the debates on blogs about IR, as they are abbreviated, relationships very interesting. They seem to fall into two categories. The first, someone promoting inter-racial relationships, the second; someone speaking against them.

I personally don't understand how one can either speak for or against them. Relationships are about individual choice. So how does one say that inter-racial relationships are good or bad?

Anyway I have found two very interesting posts about IR relationships. I thought I would share them and then get your opinions on the subject.

From the blog: Black Women's IR Circle

"And here I am preaching that bw should seek out wm for relationships! Oh well, there goes my black 'something or other' awards lol! I am glad some of you can still win them though and get invited to speak in mainstream black circles, and all."


From the blog: Ruminations of a Racial Realist

"Since the release of the film Something New, (featuring a black female/ white male interracial relationship) there has been a major effort in the blogosphere to similarly encourage black women to pursue relationships with white men. While the film clearly promotes black female interracial relationships, the blogs take this promotion to a whole new level. Their basic argument is that white men are the answer to all black women’s problems and make it seem as if white men can do no wrong. I find it all rather cringe worthy."


So what is the big deal about inter-racial relationships? How do you feel about them?

Should they be promoted?

Current 2008 Presidential Primary Delegates Count

Current Delegate Count 2008

Clinton 210 - Obama 123 - Edwards 52 - Kucinich 1 - Needed: 2025

Romney 72 - McCain 38 - Huckabee 29 - Paul 6 - Giuliani 1 - Needed: 1191

What is Hip Hop?

Usually people are asked what is the difference between hip hop and rap. The answer is generally rap is music and hip hop is a lifestyle. I get that but what exactly is the hip hop lifestyle? At one time I thought I knew, but I'm not so sure anymore. Does anyone know?

Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me

There are several interesting things about this song and Rockwell. First; Rockwell barely sings in the song, mostly he talks in a weird voice. Second; Micheal Jackson and Jermaine Jackson do the background vocals even though they were stars and Rockwell was clearly not.

And Rockwell whose real name is Kennedy Gordy is Motown founder Berry Gordy's son. Also he used the name Rockwell because he thought he could "Rock Well". There are a few other interesting things, for instance Rockwell's sister Hazel married Jermaine Jackson.

There is actually more but I'll stop.

A-Ha - Take On Me

This is one of my favorite music videos of all-time. Do you like it too?

Secret Weapon - Must Be The Music

Classic dance.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sunset in Suriname

Theater of The Absurd

Rapper Lil' Jon before and after he morphed into a stereotype

I have seen all sorts of commentary from bloggers and others about Hip Hop music. I have read apologists and I have read those who hate Hip Hop. I have listened to the dialogue about the state of Hip Hop for a pretty long time now.

Today though something occurred to me that I'm not sure I've heard before. I'm sure someone has discussed this, I just haven't heard it.

My thought was how absurd Hip Hop music is. It's so absurd that it's almost funny. Obviously certain elements of it aren't funny. Such as the racist and misogynist elements. But over-all Hip Hop music is, well stupid. It's ridiculous.

I am hard pressed to believe that there are people who actually believe that today's Hip Hop is authentic in any way. How sheltered a life must someone live to believe that Lil' Jon is authentic? How sheltered a life must one live not to realize that Lil' Jon is a stereotype come to life with the help of corporate America?

How sheltered must one be to think that these rappers with cartoon character names are real?

Are a bunch of thousandaires pretending to be pimps authentic? Are a bunch of rappers pretending to own homes and Bentleys that they are actually leasing for the day of a MTV Cribs shoot authentic?

Let's face it at least 75% of Hip Hop music buyers are non - African Americans. So if these people who buy Hip Hop think that what they are listening to is authentic, what does that say about them?

Dr. Dre before (note the shoulder pads)

Dr. Dre After the stereotype morph

Are they just dumb or do they have so little contact with actual Black people that that they don't know any better than to believe these rappers are real? At a certain point doesn't common sense kick in?

Rap music has become nothing more than the theater of the absurd.

What do you think?


Fri Jan 18, 10:07 PM ET
Canned beans recalled on botulism risk: FDA

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New Era Canning Co is expanding a recall of canned green beans and garbanzo beans because of potential botulism contamination, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Friday.

The FDA said the beans might be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum, which can cause botulism, a serious and sometimes life-threatening condition.

The affected cans are large institutional-sized containers, weighing approximately six and a half pounds, the FDA said.

"To date, no illnesses have been reported to the FDA; however, consumers should not consume these products, even if they appear to be normal," the agency said in a statement.

New Era distributed the beans nationwide over the last five years.

The cans and contents should be thrown away carefully, as even tiny amounts of the C. botulinum toxin can cause serious illness, the FDA said.

Michigan-based New Era made the recall voluntarily in the interest of public health, the agency said.

(Reporting by Kevin Drawbaugh)

It sounds like you should not eat these products in a restaurant setting. The products that we would use at home, small cans, have not been recalled. So use caution in restaurants.

I would like to introduce you to a couple of blogs that I really enjoy
If you haven't checked them out please do!

Just click on the links

New Black Woman

That Old Black Church

The Black Actor


Have you noticed that most corporate media outlets are constantly talking about the power of the Hispanic vote? And that Hispanic political power is usurping that of the African American community.

Well what they don't tell you is that even though so-called Hispanics out number African Americans, Hispanics are much less likely to vote than African Americans. Also a very large percentage of Hispanics cannot vote, since they are not legal citizens.

So in actuality African American voters out number Hispanic voters nationally.

The media once again is trying to play African Americans and Hispanics against each other. I hope we don't fall for it.

Do you think Hispanics and African Americans can be political allies?

Twofer Tuesday: Chaka Khan vs. Mary J Blige - Sweet Thing

Mary J - The Cover

Chaka - The Original

Which version do you prefer; Chaka or Mary J?

Karyn White featuring Babyface - Love Saw It

Does anyone know what ever happened to Karyn White?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Milano di notte!

A letter...

Dear Dr. King,

You don't know me but I know you. Well I don't really know you I just know you from books and films and speeches that you made. I thought I would write you this letter to let you know that I am thinking about you.

Today as you know is the day that we celebrate your birth. I thought I would share with you my humble thoughts on the state of America from a decidedly African American perspective.

I read and hear so many people go on about how badly we are doing. They talk about all of the statistics that supposedly tell us that we are less than all the other groups of Americans.

For instance we are told that 70% of Black children in America are born out of wedlock. I wish I could tell you how many White children are born out of wedlock, but they never seem to tell us that statistic.

I know that it sounds really bad that 7 out of 10 Black children are born out of wedlock. Some how I think that if you were here today we would have a better perspective to look at this situation.

I'm sure you would give us solutions.

That ability to give America perspective is what I think we all miss the most about not having you around. The so-called Black leaders of today don't understand the need for perspective. They don't understand that people don't just need speeches and marches they need someone to help them navigate the complexities of being Black in America.

Your speeches were really about understanding the situation that we existed in. You led by teaching, that is a forgotten art today.

So many of us have trouble understanding why certain things are the way they are. Sure we have all sorts of figures and numbers but where is your perspective?

I don't want to keep you, I know that you are busy in heaven talking with our ancestors, I bet those are some great conversations. But I also imagine that there is at times great sadness at some of the things that are afflicting African America. The list is a long one but as you discuss these things with our ancestors I am sure that you are giving even them perspective.

As we move into this new century I know that you see the astounding things that we have and are accomplishing. Despite the constant reminder of all that we do wrong there is an abundance of success.

Today there are more African Americans in college than ever before. If you were here you would see through the lies being told about our students. You would tell us that there are indeed more Black men in college than in prison.

You would remind us that even though there are many Black children having serious problems in school that we should not overlook the millions of students that are excelling.

I also know that you have heard that people are saying that 70% of Black women are single. I am sure you would put that in perspective as well. You might have told us that many of those women are busy in school and in their careers and simply have not made the decision to marry.

You would tell us that a huge percentage of new businesses are being started by Black women. So many of us are just too busy to be in a relationship.

You would remind us that some Black women are lesbians whose unions are not recognized. Also you would remind us that a little over 50% of all American women are single.

Yes perspective is a wonderful thing.

You would remind us that everything we hear isn't as it is told to us. That we should examine more closely the messengers of all of these dismal figures about us.

I think I have taken up more than enough of your time. I just wanted to check in with you and let you know how much I appreciate all that you have done for us.

I wanted to tell you that we dearly miss you. I also wanted to let you know that many of us are still fighting.

And that despite what you may have heard we still have our eyes on the prize.



What would you like to tell Dr King?

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Read about Dr. King

Just click on the links below

McFadden & Whitehead - Aint No Stopping Us Now

Self Destruction

Marvin Gaye - What's Going On

James Brown - Say It Loud (I'm Black and I'm Proud)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Beautiful Picture

I ran but I was caught!...I'm it...and so are you!

Blogger Tag

Okay as you all know this is blogger tag or meme (I was tagged by Browngirl of Browngirl Speaks) as some people refer to it. Although I always thought a meme had something to do with something catching on in a cultural sense, like a song or a book. But anyway instead of playing the usual way, in which I would go to other blogs and tag them, I thought we could all play together.

I'll answer the questions and then if would like to play, you answer the questions in the comments. I think this might be fun so lets give it a try. Okay?

1. At what age do you wish to marry? I've already tried it, I was too young.

2. What color do you like most? Purple

3. Where is the place that you want to go the most? Freetown Christiania, Denmark

4. Which part of you do you hate the most? My neck, it's too long

5. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do? I get teary eyed

6. What are you afraid to lose the most? My sanity

7. If you win $1 million, what would you do? Buy a Volvo station wagon and wonder the earth

8. How did you celebrate the New Year? With friends

9. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most? A break-up that I didn't contest

10. Which type of person do you hate the most? A know-it-all

11. What is your ambition? To find love

12. If you had one wish what would you wish for? To find love

13. What is your favorite time of day? Early morning

14. What is the best gift you can give someone this year? Love

15. List two of your Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions. I don't have any

16. What do you need to do this year in order for you to be happier in life? Move

17. What are the Top 2 things that you are most thankful for the year 2007? My health & blogging

18. What was the best lesson you learned in 2007 (be specific)? Plan for the future but live in the moment

19. In this very moment, are you doing what you thought you’d be doing at this stage in your life? Nope

20. If you knew tomorrow was the final day of existence, what would you do today? Make a telephone call to Australia

Okay its your turn! Answer one or all twenty!

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Afrika Bambaataa - Planet Rock (1) South Carolina (1) Soylent Green (1) Spain (1) Special Ed - I Got It Made (1) Special Videos (3) Spelman College (1) Spike Lee (1) Sports (10) Spring (1) St. Valentine's Day (7) Staceyann Chin (1) Starpoint - Object Of My Desire (1) Stepha Henry (1) Stephanie Mills - (You're Putting) A Rush On Me (1) Stetsasonic - Sally (1) Steve Fossett (1) Steve Miller Band - The Joker (1) Stoney Jackson (1) Strafe - Set it off (1) Strait of Hormuz (1) Studies About African America (1) Stuff (4) Subway Stories (1) Summer Rain (1) Sumner Redstone (3) Sunday Fun (1) Sunrise (1) Sunset (1) Super Tuesday (1) Superbowl (1) Surface - Closer Than Friends (1) Suriname (1) Susan Cagle (1) Svörtuloft (1) Sweden (1) Swin Cash (2) Swing Out Sister - Breakout (1) Symphony (1) Syracuse (1) Taj Mahal (1) Talented People I Like (2) Tales from the bus (2) Tanzania (1) Taral Hicks (1) Tears for water by Alicia Keys (1) Tech (1) Teena Marie - Behind The Groove (1) Tel Aviv-Yafo (1) Television (1) Tell Me (1) TEN CITY - DEVOTION (1) Terence Trent D'Arby (Sananda Maitreya) - Wishing Well (1) Terri Lynn Carrington (1) Terror Alerts (1) Terry Lewis (1) test (1) Tevin Campbell - Can We Talk (1) Thanksgiving (2) The 1985 Chicago Bears - The Super Bowl Shuffle (1) The Bevery Hillbillies (1) The Blackbyrds - Walking in Rhythm (1) The Blog Report (5) The Brothers Johnson - Land of Ladies (1) The Daily Voice (1) The Eiffel Tower at night (1) The Family - Screams of Passion (1) the FDA (1) The Fillmore (1) The Four Seasons (1) The Great Barrier Reef (1) The Great Mississippi Flood Of 1927 (1) The Happy Go Lucky Bachelor. Aaron McGruder (1) The Human Race (2) The Isley Brothers Voyage To Atlantis (1) The Jones Girls - You Gonna Make Me Love Somebody Else (1) The Neville Brothers (1) The Nile (1) The Police (1) The Roots - The Seed 2.0 (1) The Scream by Edvard Munch (1) The Shades of Love - Keep in Touch (Body To Body) (1) The Stylistics - People Make The World Go Round (1) The Supremes - Merry Christmas (1) The System - You Are In My System (1) The Twin Towers (1) The U.S. from space (1) The Ukraine (1) The Walt Disney Company (1) The Whispers - And The Beat Goes On (1) The White Stripes - Icky Thump (1) Then and Now (2) There But For The Grace of God Go I (1) There is no place like home (1) These Boots Are Made For Walkin' (1) Thompson Twins - Lies (1) Thoughts (73) Tiger Woods (1) Time Inc (1) TimeWarner (1) Timex Social Club - Rumors (1) TLC Unpretty (1) TLC - No Scrubs (1) Toledo Spain (1) Tom Ridge (1) Toni Braxton - Unbreak My Heart (1) Toronto at night (1) Toulouse (1) Track and Field (5) Tradition Of Excellence (1) Training Day (1) Transistor Radio (1) Travelling (2) Trinidad and Tobago (1) Try Again (1) Tupac Changes (1) Turks and Caicos (1) TV Theme Songs (1) Twofer Tuesday (4) Twofer Tuesday: Battle of the Classic Slow Jams - Reasons vs. Love T.K.O (1) Twofer Tuesday: Chaka Khan vs. Mary J Blige - Sweet Thing (1) Twofer Tuesday: I Shot The Sheriff : Bob Marley vs. Eric Clapton (1) Twofer Tuesday: I'll be there - Mariah vs. Michael (1) Twofer Tuesday: Lauryn Hill vs. Roberta Flack (1) Twofer Tuesday: Love Won't Let Me Wait - The Original or The Cover (1) Tyler Perry (1) U.S. Army Cover - Up (1) UCONN (1) Ugly Betty (1) Unbelievably sarcastic post (1) Undercover Black Man (2) Unknown Location (3) USA Today (1) Utah (1) Van Hool (1) Van Morrison Moondance (1) Vancouver BC (1) Varadero Cuba (1) Vaughn Mason and Crew - Bounce (1) Vegetarianism (1) Venice Italy At Night (1) Vermont (1) Veronica Cambell (1) Veronica Webb (2) Veterans Day (1) Viacom (3) Vicente Guerrero (1) Vikter Duplaix - Make A Baby (1) Violence Against African American Women (2) Violence Against Women Of Color (2) Violence On Campus (1) Virgin Islands (1) Vivaldi (1) Volkswagen (1) Volvo C30 (1) Vote (1) Wacky Wednesday: Songs with "I Like" in the tittle (1) Wanderlust (1) Waris Dirie (2) Washington Square Park (4) What About Our Daughters (4) What Black Men Think (1) What Columnists are Saying (3) What I'm Listening To This Week (3) What I'm Listening To This Weekend (1) What I'm Listening To Today (63) What I'm Watching This Weekend... (1) What I'm Watching Today (2) What Tami Said (4) What The.... File (2) What's Going On (1) Where is the Love (1) White castle (1) White Rap Music Buyers (1) Who Killed Benazir Bhutto? (1) Who Knew (1) Whodini - Big Mouth (1) Why Black Women Are Angry (1) Will and Jada (1) Will Smith (1) Willow (1) Window Shopping (1) Winter Solstice (1) Wisconsin (1) Wish feat. Fonda Rae - Touch me (all night long) (1) WNBA (4) WNBA Conference Finals (2) WNBA Finals (1) WNBA MVP (1) Woman's European Athelete Of The Year (1) Women (1) Women Leaders (1) Women's Sports (2) Word... (1) Words (5) work (2) Yaz Situation (1) Zanzibar (1) Zap Mama (2) Zhane' (1) Zoe Kravitz (1)

About Me

West Coast, United States
African American, Poet?, Vegetarian, Music lover, Agoraphobic, Social Phobic

My Favorite Poet

My Favorite Poet
Staceyann Chin

My Favorite Track Athlete

My Favorite Track Athlete
Christine Arron