I'm an avid reader so the idea of being able to download books (they say in just a few minutes) sounds great! Also it would be nice to be able to take several books along wherever I go. I'm already an itunes addict and this looks like another potential addiction.
The Kindle is made and sold by Amazon.com. They are also providing the content in that they will, from what I understand, manage the list of available downloads and sell the downloads to Kindle users. Which I see as a plus since I'm already an Amazon.com user. I have found Amazon to be pretty good in general. The device as you can see is not very big, about the size of a paperback book but thinner. Also you can download without being connected to the Internet, which sounds good. Apparently Amazon downloads to the device by using cell phone technology.
I read the customer reviews on Amazon and they look fairly favorable. My only question is regarding the availability of books by African American authors. That is a make or break for me since I really love to read books by African American women. Also it really would have been nice if an MP3 had been incorporated into the Kindle. Maybe that will come in future models, especially since Amazon is now selling MP3 downloads.
So now the question is, will my budget like Kindle?
Read more about Kindle;
Arrrgh! Blogger booted me and lost my very eloquent comment. Oh well...
When I first heard about Kindle, my bibliophile self was appalled. Then I read the Newsweek article this weekend and was intrigued.
As someone who always has at least three books going at one time, I like the idea of condensing my reading projects into one "book."
Also, I have books all over my house. They are spilling off of my shelves and stacked against the wall--very artfully I should add. I try to purge at least once a year, keeping my favorites, selling some on eBay and donating the rest to the library. But the Kindle could help me cut down on clutter.
On the other hand, you can't replicate the feeling of cracking the spine on a brand new book with that "new book smell." Also, as I've been reading and thinking more about how consumerism is hurting our country, I am kind of rebelling against buying another high-riced gadget mascarading as something I "need."
I love tech that makes my life easier. That's why I love my ipod. I can listen to music so much easier on it than on any other device.
So the thought of Kindle is very interesting. I love to travel and the idea of adding Kindle to my travel gear sounds great.
On the other hand, as you point out, do I really want to add Kindle to my monthly expenditures? Especially since when I buy books I can find most of them at a reduced price. Once I get hooked on Kindle I have to pay whatever Amazon says.
I understand your thoughts on consumerism. I waited a very long time before I bought an ipod initially.
So I will ty to contain my excitment about Kindle for now.(Which is easy because they are currently sold out).
Don't let me fool you. I loves me some technology and my iPod is my favorite gadget of all. It has changed the way I listen to music and, with iTunes, and introduced me to a host of new artists.
Still, you made good points. I guess the reason I wrote the post is because I have reservations about buying Kindle, at this point.
Some of it is because I don't want to spend the money. But honestly, the biggest reason is because I think that in the next year or two they will refine it the way Apple has refined the Nano.
I don't want to buy in too early. (lol)
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