Will Smith is the only major African American male actor that has never played a thug, a drug dealer, a pimp or any of the usual stereotypical roles. Even Denzel and Morgan Freeman can't say that.
His films have grossed so far, $4,385,478,973. He earns 20 to 30 million a film and still manages to have a decent music career.
This month Will stars in the film I Am Legend. The film opens on December 14 nationwide. I don't know all the details of the film. But here is what I know. Will stars as Dr. Robert Neville a scientist who might be the last surviving human on earth after a man-made virus devastates human life on the planet.
That's all I know because I don't want to spoil the film for me or for you. Anyway I plan to see this because it looks interesting and because I want Will Smith to keep starring in non-stereotypical roles.
Will Smith is HUGE here in Japan and that makes me feel so proud. I don't always feel that way.
Gangsta rap is also huge here.
Gangsta rap is an unfortunate export.
Will Smith is well liked here in Israel also. I heard there was a big stir when he visited the Western Wall a few years ago. I am not a huge Will Smith fan, I will be honest I hate his music. Yet, I do like some of his film roles when he is serious. I liked I Robot, and I really want to see I Am Legend. I still remember the 1970's version called I Am Omega. That was a classic, and the previews of of I Am Legend look interesting.
I too am really looking forward to this one! It's one of my favourite sci-fi novels and I really hope they do it justice (unlike "I, Robot" which unfortunately fell foul to the Hollywood plastic-blockbuster machine).
Will Smith is a very talented performer and a smart businessman, much respect to him!
I'm with Shelly on i Robot. I don't think they hit the mark on that one.
I heard there have been 2 versions before this. Do you think it would be a good idea to see I Am Omega before I Am Legend?
I with you on I robot, not good.
I really like this kind of sci-fi.I enjoy sci-fi when the story seems like something that could actually happen.
Very interested in this one. He also creeps me out in interviews. I can't ever put my finger on why though.
For me I think it's becaue he seems 'stepfordish'. it's like he's there but not there. Does that make sense?
I don't care what anyone says. I liked I Robot. So ha! The problem was trying to take parts from all four books from Asiman and putting them into one film. The only area that I didn't like about it was that I think that Will Smith's character's hatred of robots wasn't for believable reasons to me. I understand that it tied into how the movie ended, but....
Looks like I made a mistake. What I saw was Omega Man not I Am Omega. Omega Man is from 1971 with Charton Heston and I Am Omega is from 2007, straight to Video. In terms of seeing Omega Man or I Am Omega 1st before seeing this movie. I would say no. I Am Omega was from the late 1970's so it has that kind of feel. I think Will Smith will bring more heart to the charater than the Omega Man's Charton Heston. Also, I think I Am Legend is supposed to be closer to the book than Omega Man.
I'm not sure if I can sit through a Charlton Heston film. Whenever I see him all I can think of is the NRA.(lol)So I'm glad that you recommend that I don't see it first.
In fact let me add to that. The reason why you should not see any of the other versions is because they will spoil you on the complexities of the story. There are some things that happen in it that already knowing the outcome may hurt your movie going experience.
Yes, Charton Heston is only good for laughs to me. I love watching Planet of the Apes and Ben Hur to laugh at his acting. In the Omega Man version there was an African American actress opposite him, but I can't remember her name. I only remember her afro.
I wonder when they will release new films online. Wouldn't be great if me and my blog family could all watch a movie online together and live blog our reactions?
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