A few days ago on MSNBC's Tucker Carlson Show, guest host David Shuster made a comment about the Clintons using their daughter to campaign.
Here is the exchange;
DAVID SHUSTER: Bill, there's just something a little bit unseemly to me that Chelsea's out there calling up celebrities, saying support my mom, and she's apparently also calling these super delegates.
BILL PRESS: Hey, she's working for her mom. What's unseemly about that? During the last campaign, the Bush twins were out working for their dad. I think it's great, I think she's grown up in a political family, she's got politics in her blood, she loves her mom, she thinks she'd make a great president --
SHUSTER: But doesn't it seem like Chelsea's sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way?
After this aired the Clinton campaign complained about the use of the term "pimped out". In the days following the incident David Shuster apologized. Then MSNBC suspended him.
First it was using her feminist friends such as Gloria Steinem to solicit women voters and then "hooking up" with BET founder Bob Johnson.
I suppose she figures say whatever vile things you want about Black women and that's okay, but how dare anyone use these derogatory terms in reference to a White woman, namely her daughter.
Do you think Hillary Clinton is being a hypocrite?
Does this change your opinion of Hillary Clinton?
Does this change your opinion of Hillary Clinton?
Hypocrite, opportunist... take your pick. Why don't we just call the Clinton's shady, I think this word describes them best.
Amen! I had not heard about this comment (of course) and although it may not have been the most appropriate term, it certainly got a point across. I mean, what's the difference? On the main networks (ABC, NBC, FOX, etc.), they say much worse that "pimp" in front of young audiences and Hillary still appears on those channels. Lets see her make the same threat about not appearing on their debates or those on CNN or Fox News. I don't think she would have made that mistake.
I am not sure why the anchor guy was suspended for the words "pimped out" when it's being used in everyday language NOT referencing the OLD meaning of putting when on the streets. I've read somewhere it was used during a political meeting a good while ago and it never bothered me as it does not now. Since the show 'Pimp My Ride' really changed the face of it's usuage, "pimp" is no longer about the unsavory guy and his chicks on the street. It has become and idea that you can take a situation and make the most of it LIKE a "pimp".
If people are uptight over the use of the word "pimp", then the N-word just might as well be all too forgotten in the very near future, huh? Doubt it but....
As for who supports whom during these election campaigns, I'm the least bit fazed now and when all said an done. If the candidate does not prove worthy, the millions of attention nor $$'s will not even matter. A wrong person in office will still be a wrong person in office no matter the means in which they arrived there.
You brought up a good point. While the comments David Shuster made were deplorable, Clinton accepting the endorsements of 50 Cent and Bob Johnson aren't surprising. She probably doesn't even know (or cares) who 50 Cent is.
Endorsements and money are the lifeline of any campaign. Politicians, both black and white, need them and will even make themselves look like hypocrites just to get them.
in my perception it often seems that hypocrisy is a defining feature of politicians...and the more ambitious you are the less you care about your hypocrisy to be uncovered...
i. think she plays a mean game. This doesn't. But I did read from another blog a good question about her. Can she or will folks be willing to cooperate with her. i.e. after all the hardball that she plays, will she be able to unite the gov. to get stuff done?
I also wanted to add that Clinton's accepting of Johnson's endorsement points to another problem I have with (white) feminists.
While I do subscribe to the feminist point of view, white feminists just don't understand women of color. Clinton accepting Johnson's endorsement proves that women like her do not have full understanding of how the black male patriarchy system continues to hurt the same black women it claims to support.
Her ambivalence to the plight of women of color is apparent.
I know that sounds like the opposite of my previous entry, but I needed to get that off my chest.
I'll blog about that in the coming days.
now u know how i feel about a man in rag. and hon, i wanted t thank u for your prayers, i got it all taken care of, she was 89 and now i have one granny left
Well, I think in this case she's more clueless than hypocritical. Shuster was wrong to suggest that Chelsea was being pimped out - so the Clinton camp should have had a negative reaction. Nothing wrong with that.
And I think they would be confused if someone pointed out that there was a connection between that and their association with Bob Johnson and 50 Cent.
It's just so indicative of how little so many white people understand about the diverse nature of the black community. I'm sure Hillary's people think that 50 Cent's endorsement is great because it helps them reach young black people and Bob Johnson's is great because he is older and a successful entrepreneur and can reach the Black people who might be inclined to listen to someone with those credentials.
They don't consider us enough to look beyond the superficial. They really don't understand or care enough to understand any more about black people and black culture to understand that these two endorsers are likely to turn off as many people as they might attract.
For me, this is a bigger offense than hypocrisy. I'm tired of white people (particularly those in power) seeing the black community as one dimensional and easily captured or disregarded.
To tie this back to one of your earlier questions - if I didn't have any other reasons to vote for Obama - I would vote for him based on his blackness alone - because at least he doesn't assume that all black people are sitting around watching 50 Cent videos on BET and dreaming of being like Bob Johnson.
Hillary Clinton is an oppurtunist, at its finest. I can understand why she would object towards any stereotypes being hurled at her daughter. I also can understand why she holds disregards for the ones who fail to, uphold, or shy away from plagued labels...
It tends to complicate things.
It's up to us, the voters, the ones who can make a difference to take action.
I love your blog, Mes. So informed. So against the grain. So insightful.
Obama '08
I just read the comments. It seems me and the first reader view Hillary in the same light.
I agree with those who point out that it was wrong for the interviewer to refer to Chelsea as being "pimped out."
and wow @ that picture having passed moderation @ BET.COM
She does have nice eyes, though. lol.
MDC great article, Like one of your commenter said let's just call her shady. I don't trust her. You know Tavis has invited her to the state of Black America conferees at the end of the month. I don't think that Obama has been invited, if that is the case something don't smell right.
>>Do you think Hillary Clinton is being a hypocrite?
She's the wife of an ex-President running as though she was Vice President with "35 years of (imaginary) experience." You can't get a bigger hypocrite than her.
I give her credit - she's right to complain, but it is hypocritical. Do something political and you will be talked about - negatively.
I feel real sorry for Chelsea though: she looks like her parents.
Flipping the script: if this was a black girl (Chelsea) degrading her (and all black women) would be considered normal, and not such a big deal.
>>Does this change your opinion of Hillary Clinton?
Hah. If I said what I really thought of her Secret Service would come after me.
I just in general don't like or trust the Clintons, period. I think they have always been like this but for some reaon people, particularly black people disn't see it until now. I just can't see her being a trustworthy president. I may be wrong, but I doubt it.
Mango Mama,
Shady is the perfect word!
No Hillary,
I agree that she won't hold others to the same standard. That's very apparent in her association with Bob Johnson.
Lady Di,
It's a shame that the word "pimp" is even used in popular culture, we have corporate rap music to thank for that.
Actually I bet she does know who 50cent is and that makes it even worse.
And ambitious is the key word for the Clintons. I don't think Hillary wants to be President to make changes, I think she just wants the power.
You're right; she has a ton of enemies, on both sides.
And if she is the Nominee we will really see all the Clinton haters coming out of the woodwork.
"Her ambivalence to the plight of women of color is apparent."
Exactly! It is very apparent, but hopefully she'll get the message as Black women have stopped voting for her.
I look forward to your post.
You are very welcome. I hope you are doing okay. :)
"at least he doesn't assume that all black people are sitting around watching 50 Cent videos on BET and dreaming of being like Bob Johnson."
Isn't it amazing that such politically astute people as the Clintons could be so clueless.
And as you say; it's because they don't look beyond the superficial.
That is just totally unacceptable in 2008.
I think that next to the word opportunist in the dictionary there is a picture of Bill and Hillary.
Thanks very much, I really appreciate you letting me know how you feel about my blog. :)
Lol@nice eyes.
Wow I had not heard about the Tavis invite. I hope you will write a post about that.
I agree that if this was a young Black woman it would be no deal, after all that's what BET and VH1 do 90% of the time.
Lol@Secret Service.
Yeah what was up with so many African Americans not seeing them as they really are?
As a few people have said; they are really shady.
never thought anything less of her than being a hypocrite...from her wal-mart trysts, to her blantant backward stances on one thing, then on another in the next breath, to her manipulative and polarizing campaign shenanigans (btw, shout-out to maggie williams-LOL!)...the only things that changes my opinion of her is how it continues to go lower and lower...
Ok, I'm back MDC because I need some political help here. I'm not as knowledged nor versed as you so bear with me. Is Hillary supposed to account for all who endorse for her - whatever the means? What I'm asking is, is she required to make a statement for/against people who are supporting her? And if she does not approve of say, 50's contribution - whatever the means - how is she supposed to deal with it - publicly or...??
I'm just asking if candidates are formally required to deal with this and why it matters who supports them at all to those of us who are voters. I'm surely not going to base 50's vote vs my own JUST because he endorses whomever he chooses. I don't understand so...
And now I see the situation with the 'pimp' spewing reporter has moved into "indefinite suspension". Sad, really, really sad. I'm not understanding that either and so I blogged on it as well.
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