The 41st President of the United States was George H. W. Bush. The 42nd President of the United States was Bill Clinton. The 43rd President of the United States is George W. Bush. If Hillary Clinton Becomes the 44th President of the United States, there will have been either a Bush or a Clinton as Chief Executive for 18 years. And if Hilary is elected again in 2012 that will be 22 years of the Bush - Clinton dynasty. Also lets not forget the former Governer of Florida Jeb Bush, the current Presidents younger brother who is waiting in the wings to run in 2016.
I'm thinking that two families running this country for two decades or more is absolutely crazy.
Who's after Jeb, Chelsea Clinton?
Do you know that I have never really thought of this in these terms??? Wow. Great analysis.
I just don't know if I can take another Clinton and then another Bush! It's just too much.
I'm surprised the media has not pointed this out(at least the so-called mainstream media hasn't), we really need more diversity in the White House.
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