This is Essence Magazine's (a formally great magazine) 25 most influential people of 2007. I really don't understand several of their choices. But I'm very happy to see a fellow blogger Gina McCauley of What About Our Daughters? on the list.
25 Most Influential List
- Senator Barack Obama
- Tyler Perry - Writer, Producer, Director
- Majora Carter - Environmentalist, Founder, Executive Director, Sustainable South Bronx
- Victoria Lanier- Former Youth Director, NAACP, Northeast Region
- Reverend Jesse L. Jackson - Civil Rights Activist, Minister
- Reverend Al Sharpton - Civil Rights Activist and President, NationalAction Network
- The JENA Six
- Beyonce Knowles - Singer, Songwriter, Actress
- Oprah Winfrey - Media Mogul, School Founder
- Timbaland - Music Producer, Recording Artist
- Cory A. Booker - Mayor of Newark, New Jersey
- Lovie Smith - Head Coach, NFC Champions, Chicago Bears
- Tony Dungy - Head Coach, Super Bowl Champions, Indianapolis Colts
- Deval Patrick - Governor, Massachusetts
- Don Cheadle - Actor, Activist
- Shonda Rhimes - Creator, Executive Producer, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice
- Venus Williams - Tennis Champion
- Charles Rangel - Chairman, House Committee on Ways and Means
- Barry Bonds - "Home Run King"
- Cynthia Tucker - Syndicated Columnist, Editorial Page Editor, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- The Scarlet Knights - Rutgers University Women's Basketball Team, NCAA Finalists
- Kiri Davis - Filmmaker, Youth Activist
- Bishop T.D. Jakes - Founder, Senior Pastor, The Potter's House of Dallas
- Steve Harvey - Radio Personality, Comedian, Actor
Steve Harvey? And Barry Bonds may be going to jail, so how influential is he? Timbaland? Is he on the list so that they can say they didn't leave hip hop out? Has Venus Williams won anything lately? Beyonce is influential? The Jena 6 are a bunch of thugs!
Thank goodness no one from Viacom/ BET is on the list.
There are some glaring omissions,such as Tavis Smiley, (love her or hate her) Condi Rice, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, American Express CEO Ken Chenault, Tom Joyner, Cathy Hughes of Radio One/ TV One.
Can you think of people that should have been on this list? What do you think of those on the list, agree or disagree?
Thank goodness no one from Viacom/ BET is on the list.
There are some glaring omissions,such as Tavis Smiley, (love her or hate her) Condi Rice, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, American Express CEO Ken Chenault, Tom Joyner, Cathy Hughes of Radio One/ TV One.
Can you think of people that should have been on this list? What do you think of those on the list, agree or disagree?
that was so funny b/c the pic of beyonce opened after i read your question. that said it all. i do appreciate the talent she brings to the music industry, but yeah, influential may be reaching...
I, too, would like to know what criteria Essence uses for "influential." Gina, Charlie Rangel, Cynthia Tucker, Shonda Rhimes, Sharpton and Jackson--influential. The Rutgets Women's Basketball Team? I respect these women, but does being the victim of an ugly slur make you influential. Beyonce is certainly influential in pop culture, but I'm not sure all of her influence should be celebrated. Barry Bonds? The Jena 6? So, beating down a kid makes you influential?
What about Condi Rice? I don't agree with her politics, but she is undeniably influential.
I really, really don't get Beyonce being on this list (among others).
I think Essence has been going down hill since Time, Inc bought it. This is just another sign of it's declining importance.
The list is really lacking, there are so many people that should be on it that are not, Farai Chideya and Robin Roberts come to mind.
I agree about the Rutgers basketball team, what is that about?
Actually, I can see how Beyonce would be considered influential. We have to think outside the box (for us) on this one guys. . .
When I look at my own daughter, Beyonce is extremely influential - clothes, styles, attitudes, personalities. . . Kids pick up on so much.
Beyonce does not influence me, but she honestly is influencing a whole group of African-Americans.
When I see the headline "25 Most Influential", my interpretation is "how do these people influence your worldview, perspectives on reality, ideas, goals, thoughts, etc."
Each represents "influence" differently, if we understand influence as the EFFECT that something or someone has on us and/or others.
I'm sorry! I looooove me some Beyonce!! She represents an aspiration for excellence and work ethic to me!! She looks good, sounds good and ain't leavin a stone un-turned!! I know she doesn't always sound like the sharpest tool in the shed, but I ain't mad at her for her diligence, determination and desire!!
I as much as I hate to admit it, you have a point. I'm sure Beyonce does influence kids. And to a certain degree she has an influence on adults as well.
I guess it's that they omitted people who are more influential than her that irks me.
Also I don't trust the fact the Essence is owned by Time, Inc. I suspect their choices may reflect a money making agenda rather than who has a positive influence on African America.
Hi Janie,
"I know she doesn't always sound like the sharpest tool in the shed"
Thanks for saying that, so I don't have to! (lol)
There is nothing wrong with being A beyonce fan, I like some of her music too. But to include her and exclude Cathy Hughes or Tavis Smiley? That's strange too me. I guess I used Beyonce in this post to illistrate that point.
It's nice hearing from you!
After my son's birthday party I had to come back to this! Clearly, Beyonce and her ever apparent butt cheeks are having the WRONG influence!
And she's EVERYWHERE! I can't believe no one is advising her to stay out of the spotlight every now and then. It's been constant Beyonce for the last 5 or so years.
I will say I like the song she performed last night at the AMA's. The country twist on it was interesting.
And speaking of Beyonce, I have a post about her tomorrow. (lol)
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