Most of my family is a few thousand mile away so the importance of Thanksgiving has diminished for me somewhat in the last few years. Sometimes I spend the day with friends or sometimes I use the day to just relax. I haven't really decided yet what I'm going to do.
Two years ago I volunteered to serve Thanksgiving dinner to homeless people, I may do that again this year.
Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? If not why? And if so will you be spending time with family or with friends? What does Thanksgiving mean to you?
I will be going home to visit with family and friends, and celebrating my precious nephew's 1st birthday on the 25th. And, my project manager told me I could take the Monday after Thanksgiving off. Yes!!
Hi Randi,
Happy birthday to your little nephew! I'm sure seeing your family will be great and having an extra day won't hurt.
Being British, Thanksgiving doesn't exist for me! It remains one of the staple aspects of "Americana" that one becomes familiar with only through TV shows and movies (along with the high school prom and American football).
Volunteering sounds good... always a beautiful thing to give of oneself without hoping for any immediate gain.
Whatever you do, hope it's special to you.
Hi Shelly,
It always amazes me how much non-Amercans are forced to learn about America through the meda and how ignorant most of us Americans are about life in other places.
It wasn't until recently that I even heard of a Bank Holiday, much less know what it was. The same goes for Boxing Day, I only found out about that in the last few years.
I think volunteering might be what I'll decide to do this Thanksgiving.
My entire family goes to Moma Dear's house - even though her house is actually too small for us all - we just love squeezing in her living room. We'll come in, fight for her attention, (I'll win, of course) and then we will eat the rest of the day, saying "ding, ding" as we go into the kitchen signifying that we are on the "next round". I can't wait!
Hi Lisa,
That sounds like a picture perfect Thanksgiving!
I've had a few Thanksgivings like that. Don't forget to take pictures of the food to post on your blog!!!
My roomie is cooking dinner. She's said she'll try to have dinner ready before I have to leave for work. ;(
But I won't be complaining when I get that check.
Well it will be nice not to have to cook.
When I worked for airlines I always worked holidays. I liked the holiday pay too.
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